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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Oh yah that works, I didn't know you guys had a spot already. Millersburg works out decently, puts me right around halfway so that's a good spot to get gas. Plus anyone from the eastside can meet me ahead of Millersburg. Jesus, Google says this is 400 miles roundtrip... I r such a pussy
  2. And with that I'm noticing everything's taken except a few of the different stickers and of course, plenty of USA flag patches and stickers. Holy shit that went quickly! Anything unclaimed at the meet & greet will go to first takers if you didn't let me know ahead of time you weren't going to be there
  3. Done I know srsly, I got mine from them earlier... XXL, I have a feeling this may be a standard package, the numbers seem pretty normal. I KNOW! srsly It is a trap, I didn't post it earlier, I'm taking credit card numbers via PM to reserve the items... this is a super stellar phishing scam lol jk of course, but srsly, drycaps still for sale :-D Done and Done (got plenty of both so you're reserved) Done
  4. definitely cool, if the weather looks perfect then I'll have more room in the saddlebags, I try to save a full bag for poor weather gear... I think this settles it, I'll be riding. Gonna go make sure I can fit all the freebies in the saddlebags If not I may need one of the cruiser folks to come up/swing by my house so we can load them up.... Have we settled on a meeting place yet? Boston Mills is a good place and allows for Riverview Road... what do you Westside folks think?
  5. Yah, it was kind of shocking. That video plus the study on perceptual memory leads me to the conclusion that even our best memories are possibly (and very likely) incorrect
  6. Approximate speed? I'm definitely down for bringing up the back on 2 wheels but I don't want to bring the average speed down If VR ends up going as well then it'll be no biggie since we're both slow and wide.
  7. I'll be going for sure, just not clear if it'll be on 2 wheels or 4
  8. On that note I highly encourage people to watch this video... 48 minutes and I watched every second of it... and I have ADHD (also, our CCW instructor directed us to this as well.... NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE WITHOUT CONSULTING A LAWYER) For those of you who won't watch this, one line really sticks with me. "Anything you say WILL be used against you in the court of law... NOTHING you say will be used to DEFEND you in the court of law" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc
  9. This is too cool not to post, I know it's not directly relating to motorcycle riding how many times have you heard someone in an accident explain it as "it seemed like everything was going in slow motion" (I was in a head on collision when I was 18 and it happened the same way). This article was published in 2008 and was directly based off officers involved in shootings but a lot of these theories and research have been around for a while. While none of us will be involved with shootouts (I hope) we can almost all relate to the "life and death" reactions. http://www.aele.org/law/2008FPAUG/wb-19.pdf the effects of the experiential thinking can be:
  10. Edit: done and done... it's hard to keep up!
  11. Done and Done You can't go wrong with that combination. Vance's awesome and I love my XD Done
  12. Kosmo you should get pussy rep for taking pictures of ladies asses with your pink camera Deny it all you want, we know it's your camera and the ladies are wearing your thong
  13. Which one do you want? I updated the quantities in the original thread since I have duplicates in the hats.
  14. Damn, your work blocked Springfield-Armory!?
  15. Read my mind, I was about to post that! I'm going to bring the stuff to the meet and greet Couple options if you aren't coming to the MnG, for the bigger stuff let me know if there's someone going from your area you trust won't steal your dibs , smaller stuff just let me know and I can mail it. This is all free thanks to Springfield Armory so I'm trying to avoid shipping it you folks, I have the box sitting next to me right now and I really can't believe there is this much, when I spoke to them I was expecting a couple stickers and a tshirt, so this was very generous of them to provide to Ohio Riders!
  16. Opposite, it's a skinny joke! PM sent
  17. Marking the stuff that's been called as taken. Dustin I can't believe you wear a medium! I knew the tshirts would go quickly!
  18. Care of Springfield Armory to Ohio Riders. Nothing left besides USA flag patches and stickers I'll bring all of them to the Meet and Greet. I want to make sure the frequent people here get first dibs above random hang arounds at the meet and greet. Just a reminder before you decide you don't want anything because you don't own a Springfield Armory firearm, SA has been manufacturing and distributing firearms since 1794 shortly after the American Revolution. In 1794 the new Federal government decided to manufacture its own muskets so that the United States would not be dependent on foreign arms. President Washington selected Springfield as the site for one of the two Federal Armories (the other being the Harpers Ferry Armory at Harpers Ferry), Virginia (now part of West Virginia). Production of weaponry at the Armory began in 1795 when 220 flintlock muskets were produced. Here's what I have for you guys: USA Flag Patch (plenty) USA Sticker (plenty) Shooting/Golf Towel (taken pedro) Shooter sticker (taken flounder & OfcMav & Tomcat0403) Bring Enough Gun sticker (Taken OfcMav, jagr, drumbtzz) Team Springfield Red sticker (taken OfcMav, Lizard1, tomcat0403) Fear No Evil hat (taken flounder) Springfield Armory hat (taken curby & oldschoolsdime92) Team Springfield Camo hat (taken OfcMav & Modern Synthetics) MEDIUM Springfield Armory Cross t-shirt (taken dustinsn3485) XLARGE Cross Cannons tshirt (taken wht_scorpion) XLARGE XD Bullet tshirt (taken 4DAIVI PAI2K5) Long Sleeve Property of tshirt (taken jnor) Gun Comparison cleaning mat (taken pedro) no picture, shows the bottom of the 3 XDs that says the following message Top: Can 14 rounds of 45ACP fit in a pistol that actually fits in your hand? Bottom: Just the one with the smallest most comfortable grip The new XD 45 ACP
  19. Someone did point me over to knicks, so him and I are talking in PM about options and stuff... the problem here is I want my cake and eat it too. I want a new cell phone that has all the bells and whistles I want but I don't want to pay a ton. So I think that narrows my options down to buying used/refurb off eBay or CL.
  20. On vBulletin even a banned user can show activity dates. The only way around it was to add them to the IP ban at the host level, then they can't display the pages.... that being said, he has a custom user badge which means either Casper created his own group or he's banned and that's the banned image (but he still has the member user title... so I'm thinking Casper applied it one off)
  21. Likwid


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