Right, so here was the issue. I managed to figure it out, so cmoose if you read this, no worries. I had a ground fault out at my lamppost. So flip the breaker on downstairs, the bottom outlet of the GFCI in the garage had 120v across the hot and white, the top didn't have any voltage. Turn off the breaker, goes outside and disconnect the top of the lamppost, take all the wires out and low and behold the ground wire is frayed and looks like it may be corroded in a few spots. Disconnected all the stuff so just had the source wires, go downstairs flip the breaker on, GFCI in the garage resets good, have 120v across that, wires in the lamppost have 120v going across them.... turn breaker back off install a new photovoltaic thingy reconnect all the wires (cutting the ground wire and starting from the top where it's only good wiring, reconnect all turn breaker on... Both Outlets in garage GFCI 120v Lamppost functions No trips/breaks. Yay? Matt done good?