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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Likwid

    Thats a damnit!

    I'm surprised they don't have a drop safety or something.
  2. I haven't heard from my buddy yet, so I may be going solo on Saturday or Sunday morning. Maybe I'll see you there, I'm looking at grabbing some cheap 9mm target ammo and some high quality hollow points while I'm there. Possibly a holster too, but we'll see.
  3. Hmm, all the more reason to pick 85 up in fantasy.... receiving points and PAT points.... shiiiiiit
  4. Likwid

    Thats a damnit!

    Well to be honest are you going running into the bathroom/backroom to check if it was a negligent discharge or someone just got shot? Nope, I'm calling the police. "Sounds like a gunshot, I didn't see anyone come running out of the bathroom, and I'm not going in"
  5. Honestly, I've never replaced a battery in my life (car or motorcycle). If I had to get a new battery tomorrow, I'd go to Wal-Mart and get the cheapest available.
  6. TLDNR = too long did not read Lord of the Rings = really freaking long
  7. Anyone going? Which day, time? I'll be there for sure.
  8. man what talent! He even worked the balls.
  9. I have roadside through Progressive for my bike and through Nationwide for my car. No need for AAA
  10. Shamelessly ripped from CollegeHumor
  11. As early as 1609 there is documentation to the usage of coca plants. It is reasonable to presume coca plan existed since the dawn of time, much before people ever came to pass... unless of course this is an argument of big bang which of course, then would make neither come first if you state that Eve was in fact, a hooker, which I denounce.
  12. Lol, I hope you're not taking my post seriously in a thread about what came first Hookers or Blow. Let's just hope you're kidding and I didn't catch onto your supreme awesomeness at interweb sarcasm
  13. I think I know of another ZX10 for sale, can't remember who though *cough*
  14. Found this today, man, doing this legal research really takes me back to my college law classes, I really miss this stuff. Anyway, here's some research, please remember I am not a lawyer and this is simply my interpretation using publicly available information, please consult an attorney for any assistance. (Putting the full disclaimer since if you google Ohio open carry preemption OR is first....) In Ohioans for Concealed Carry(OFCC) v, Clyde the county court ruled in favor of Clyde. OFCC appealed While in appeal review the state enacted 2006 Sub.H.B. No. 347, creating R.C. 9.68 which further explained the rights of Ohio citizens. Appeals course therefore overturned the lower court ruling that the ordinance was in direct conflict with Ohio constitution. Clyde appealed to Ohio Supreme court. By a vote of 4-3 the Supreme Court affirmed the appellate decision. Supreme Court Ruling Full summery available here http://www.sconet.state.oh.us/rod/docs/pdf/0/2008/2008-ohio-4605.pdf Yes it's raining, so I got bored when I couldn't ride.
  15. The question isn't which is more needed, it was which comes first. Using logic extrapolated from your post, hookers cause the need for blow. However, there would be no hookers WITHOUT blow. So I further stand behind my STATEMENT OF FACT that blow came first and created hookers. </end> Close up the thread JRP/WhoDey
  16. blow, turns normal ladies into hookers.
  17. No, quite opposite, you should. And everytime NightRider goes to look at something you should walk so you're directly across from the seller and keep saying "yaaaaa boyyyy, look at that good"
  18. While I don't know a ton, I'm happy to tag along and take a peak and/or provide emotional support. Just remember the more people you bring the more "nervous" you'll make the buyer.
  19. Will you take $2,000 cash and the rest in ass?
  20. Good man, I'm glad you double checked them from a non greenscreen monitor :-D Have fun and keep it reals yo. (it's raining again, I'm bored)
  21. Edited: Sorry I posted incorrect information. anyway, sounds like a setup, keep a bat in your truck!
  22. Was going to edit but you can't on the mobile theme very well. He confirmed USAF sidearms are chambered when loaded, only the rifles are unchambered.
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