Most Air traffic citations use visual cues from my understanding. In PA they use lines on the highway measured at an exact interval, then average speed has to apply. This is why some states toll booths can issue tickets. You travel 100 miles and your time elapsed is 1 hour... that indicates that at SOME point in the trip you HAD to be traveling faster that 100 MPH.... now you could have been doing 200 MPH and then stopped for a half hour... but either way it's enough for anyone with an accurate time and distance to determine at SOME point you crossed the threshold. I forget which math law this is... I learned it in Calc as a part of orbitals or some shit... but I can't remember what it's called.
I think what most people are missing here is the information dependencies. I don't post my license plate because I don't need to make it easier. Finding information on people is stupid easy if you know what you're doing, but I'm not worried about those people, I'm worried about not making it stupid easy for average joe. Given your username it's relatively easy to figure out someone's name and county which is enough to give you their address own or rent which is enough to figure out the vehicles that are registered at that address It's the same thing as locking the doors on your home... yes, someone determined enough will get in, but do you really want to make it that easy? Edit: reading back I'm saying a lot of the same stuff as JRM in post #43
I'm pretty sure noone on here has their MD and I only know of one RN and she hasn't been on here since January. But I figured I'd ask.... any takers? And no, I don't need a prostate exam
noone will be opposed to it as long as you don't act like an idiot... if you say you're new and we see you hitting corners too hot trying to keep up we'll tell you to slow down Like Lost, I'm most likely to slab it down and group ride back up... but we'll see closer too the date
So is the thought we'll meet up in our own areas, do a ride, then meet up somewhere? We didn't have this problem last year... noone ever wanted to meet lol