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Everything posted by Likwid

  1. Likwid

    NE spring meet

    Don't take it too personally, lots of folks love their parades Although I will admit, timotheus power wheelied on accident next to me in Ashtabula and I almost crapped myself.... you damn hooligans.
  2. Most sheeple will never notice if you're carrying. Yes, I ride with a jacket, but I mostly carry IWB on the bike.
  3. Likwid

    NE spring meet

    lol, it's all good. First ride of the season I know some folks were wanting to ride slow/relax and I could definitely tell some folks were getting anxious doing a parade ride. Trust me, if you want to ride hard and have a blast there are folks around here who will test your abilities, and you'll definitely want to go on a Kershuxton ride, just today wasn't meant to push anyone's limits.
  4. Likwid

    NE spring meet

    Mostly the douche-nozzle on the copper SV
  5. lol, I haven't had any bird strikes yet... but on the highway I hit a junebug or something... RIGHT in the middle of my visor... I swear to you, there wasn't a part of the visor that didn't have bug guts on it... I almost threw up in my helmet, then almost wrecked.
  6. Likwid

    NE spring meet

    Was nice riding with you guys. Thanks for posting pics mushi .. or is it Yak? And thanks for letting me ride the SV, we'll have to take a lunch break in the next few weeks and trade bikes, you want a cwooser, don't lie. It was a good time, even with a few of the not so wonderful folks. But that's the price you pay the more folks you get, at least djisle didn't come to the ride. Come July we'll have food, booze, and stickers
  7. He doesn't have comp or coll so insurance has nothing to do with HIS car. His liability covers the other cars.
  8. I've been told my bike is kind of loud.... I haven't had any trouble from the po po
  9. Chevy look up the origins of "the buckeye tuck"... you used to have to tuck your shirt in behind your gun when driving because of the "in plain sight" requirement.
  10. Yah, I was getting blown all over the place... and the wind was pretty crazy too
  11. Likwid

    NE spring meet

    What a great turnout! Definitely more of a meet and then ride somewhere than a ride but that's a-ok See you guys soon
  12. Likwid

    NE spring meet

    Let's find a 7-11 and get those little coffee shots!
  13. I love my 3/4 gloves. I wear mechanix gloves if it gets chilly and I'd love to pick up a nice pair of semi gauntlets on the cooler days. I will admit with all the ventilation zippers open on my jacket I find it keeps me cooler than tshirt only... that's kind of nice
  14. I have two tires... but I needs them :-\
  15. Likwid

    NE spring meet

    It'd be easier for Kosmo to post when he's NOT going, I just assume you'll always be there I'll be there around noon, even if you say we're leaving by 1 it's OR folks so we won't really leave until 3ish
  16. I gotta admit, the biggest thing you can do is just stop worrying about it. I carried for about 10 hours today with Kholster. Bike, car, etc etc... once you stop worrying about it you'll forget your even wearing a holster.
  17. If you have your CCW putting your sidearm in a tailbag, saddlebag, tankbag is perfectly legal. If you DON'T have your CCW then it needs to be unloaded first. IANAL
  18. depends how long the ride is.... 90% of the time I use my kholster at 4 oclock.... 3 if I have a passenger. The other 10% it's a shoulder harness
  19. Likwid

    NE spring meet

    Gary can you update the original post? Do I assume just look for people I know at the bar?
  20. Likwid

    NE spring meet

    If you can make it great! There will be cruisers with the group anyway so no worry about not keeping up.
  21. Can you go picket outside churches with signs that say "The catholic church is a bunch of fags?" Yes you can. Can the catholic church members go stand on your street outside your house with a sign that says "Protesters are fags?" Yes they can People need to learn the line they are drawing... arguing what the WBC does ISN'T protected speed is retarded. If you're saying "first ammendment be damned, I'd crack skulls" that's a different story.
  22. Likwid

    NE spring meet

    Just show up ~2... I think a bunch of us are going to be there a little after noon anyway
  23. Rule Number 1: If it's a scooter completely ignore them and their feeble attempt to get your acknowledgement
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