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Everything posted by Bhobs

  1. yes but they only belong to my husband
  2. OMG if my ex posted pics like this of me I would kill him ....
  3. Bhobs


    You have always been nice to me
  4. that looks like some muddy fun ..love the suits that's classic
  5. def wont fit in the back of the stang lol sorry we will be home all wknd so if you want to come check it out let me know
  6. $30 OBO http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/hoblick/SL371256.jpg
  7. I bet they gave you some good drugs for that
  8. yes I learned the hard way..gata keep that thumb in lol :)
  9. just rode for a few hours so comfortable for me I love it!
  10. hey girl if you ever want to go shoot PM me im in Hilliard to ....welcome
  11. Bhobs

    Would you?

    I park in the visitor parking when its raining lol but people are dumb if your not hurting them or affecting their lives in any way then who the f cares what your doing...ya know!
  12. wow I need to invest in a pole for our bedroom lol
  13. hopefully that will never be in style ew
  14. Ryan wants me to get a SV650 to start out on.
  15. the sales dude at walmart said its bc the price of copper was way up now its done or something who knows..its just dumb.
  16. There was only like 3 spots left when we signed up and that was in a 2 hr radius of c-bus.....they are filled up past August last time I looked.
  17. Bhobs

    FS Body Rower

    $10 anyone?? need to get this out of my workout room to make room for more stuff.
  18. Decided after being with Ryan for 5 yrs I would get more into riding and not on the back lol. Me and my girl are taking the course in 3 weeks ..so ready to learn should be a fun time. Now I can spend money on having my own bike instead of Ryan getting all the fun
  19. I have 9mm hollow points...I think I win
  20. I think its fun to try anything once and if you dont like it then cool..i love to shoot it makes me feel like a badass , ride 4 wheelers its fun ....ryan used to get mad bc I would find the muddiest shit to run through hehe fun times!
  21. Bhobs


    as of right now im not ready to ruin my figure nor do me and ry want to be tied down at all...ask me again in 5 yrs I have 3 dogs thats plenty
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