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Everything posted by Bhobs

  1. I posted that I was not aware
  2. we were married after less than a year..going on year 4 as a couple....it going pretty damn good. I guess it depends on the people
  3. awww thats the best Christmas present
  4. digital picture frame from the husband...money, clothes, a new platform bed
  5. Playboy bunny watch white gold.....$30 Diamond accented hoop earings with accented ring white gold...$40 for the set. http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/hoblick/S4300155-1.jpg http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p301/hoblick/S4300150.jpg
  6. Sorry about your loss I know how you feel I just lost my dad about 4 months ago....its hard to have to go through that. Stay strong for your family and thank god everyday that you have the people in your life that you have now.
  7. We used to pay $72 a month and I thought that was way to much so I called wow and told them that I wanted to cancel it bc the price was to high. So they took $20 bucks off per month and we are still getting the same shit. Its worth calling and bitching about try it it may help.
  8. you and your family are in my prayers.
  9. Yeah thats my brother. I saw his new gym its going to be pretty bad ass once its finished. I met your dad ...hes nice.
  10. i stayed there about 4 yrs ago. It was super secluded and beautiful. I cant remember exactly what it was called bc its been a while. Its very romantic there!
  11. http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/356173956.html why so soon??
  12. Bhobs

    ER visit question

    I had to go about 7 months ago for a cyst on my ovaries thought i was having appendicitis issue. The bill was $10,000 all together then at the time i was there i applied for financial aide bc i didnt have insurance. They ended up paying $6,000 of it. SO im still left with 4 grand to pay off but better then 10 grand!! Good luck
  13. I think being a female the most important thing is that its in a place where she is happy. Tell her you want to take her to a really nice dinner and tell her to get dressed up. Women like that. SO when you ask her she will not only be suprised but feel beautiful bc she will be all dulled up! My husband asked me at christmas time in front of all my family. He did it in a really fun way. It was special even though i was in my leopard pjs i still felt great lol! Good luck in what ever you decide to do!! My brother had it announced on the radio on our way to his birthday bash. She was so suprised bc she didnt expect him to do something random like that on an unexpected day! It was nice bc there was 10 of us in a limo and we all got to see it. It was a good scam
  14. that makes for a long trip home with no radio
  15. I think some girls take name calling to seriously. I have been called a few things and i just think it makes the other person look stupid so i think its funny and i dont take offense to things like that.
  16. Bhobs


    thanks fowler i actually do run around the block and as for the 400 i believe i would wheelie circles around you
  17. That was one of the funniest episodes i have ever seen. That show is great
  18. Sam now its pictures like these is why i wont be hooking you up with one of my hot friends
  19. me and my husband have had them for 2 years now. For full coverage for 2 vehicles is only $62 a month. really cheap, i like them.
  20. found this on another forum..... My husband came home with a tube of K-Y jelly and said, "This will make you happy tonight." He was right. When he went out of the bedroom, I squirted it all over the doorknobs. He couldn't get back in.
  21. I used to get really mean in the past. Ive thrown a few things at someone i used to date. Its bad to build up anger Im not like that know bc im actually happy with my life but before i wasnt't. When i used to get really pissed i would go to the gym and box for like an hour. It really helped
  22. I have worked for a chiropractor for a long time....I LOVE being able to help the patients as much as i can. I think its fulfilling. I hate having to work stupid ass hours though I hate 10hr days they suck.
  23. 1. having days off of work 2. coming home to a clean house 3. random suprises 4. sex 5. shopping of course 6. having a lot of money 7. randomly buying things...like me and ryan do...the big tv, the dirtbike, quad, cars. 8. having security in my marriage and trust. 9. starbucks coffee 10. #1 having ryan in my life
  24. damnit the wife didnt log out... haha i was just gonna PM you telling ya that about the end of this week i should be all finished up. i was just waiting on some parts to arrive, and it will be all done. again i really aprciate you lettin me borrow it. cash wise on it.. man i dont know shoot me an offer and we can go from there.
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