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Posts posted by Mick783

  1. Man I went down this road when I got my svs, but after a few months no more back/wrist pain just had to get used to it i guess.

    One other option is to get another top triple, drill a couple of holes and buy some clamps. Sounds scary but some guys on the sv forum did it & looks solid...

  2. The plan is to take a half day of vacation on a Friday & ride down with some co-workers, ride home on Sunday. Any suggestions on places to crash, must see/do or other good roads to hit while there? Looked online but there is alot of info so hope some regulars can help me out. Prob go mid July & thinking it might be pretty crowded over the weekend, would I be better off leaving on a thursday instead and hitting the dragon on a friday? also my buddys bike is carbureted, altitute issues? thanks:cool:

  3. If you truly want to get into the target aspect and not just dumping lead downrange, I would suggest getting a bolt action.. Specifically, the Savage Mark II series (The BT series is really nice..)

    10/22 are a lot of fun for fast shooting and you can spend a ton of money accurizing them. But if you liked the 308 and you want to learn precision shooting, the bolt action is the way to go to learn proper trigger control, bolt manipulation, and breathing, etc. Not to mention it will be more accurate then the semi auto will. Tons of precision shooters/competitors train with bolt action 22's.

    QFT bolt action is the way to go for real target shooting, but 22s are inexpensive so you could get a 10/22 and a nice ba 22 for target shooting. If you get the 10/22 watch out for the following:

    1) if you shoot it alot you may have to replace the stock extractor for a hardened one, I wore mine out in under a year

    2) be careful not to strip the tiny screws if you mount a scope on it very easy to do

  4. I have a Springfield 1911 GI............love it...

    I have one also, accurate & super reliable. So far never failed to feed/eject. Bought it approx. 7 years ago and put alot of rounds thru it at the range. Can't beat the price for a good 1911, not the prettiest you will find but it a great firearm.

    I like the kimber stainless also, if you want to spend more that would be a good choice...

  5. Me and a friend from work checked 10/22 out on Sunday & got soaked near the end, but the roads were a blast! We pulled over for like 20 min in an old barn and waited for the rain to die down, fortunately no old farmer chased us off with his shotgun. Lots of other riders down there & did see one wrecked bike on 22, so go easy if you are slow like me. Look forward to going down at least once more before the season is over.

  6. >>So what route or road do you plan on hitting up?

    It was so nice today I took a half day of vacation and went on a 200+ mile ride, here is a partial map:


    Got to go across 350 and up and down 247, great ride! Decided to cut thru Shawnee forest while I was that far east. SV ran like a top, not too hot out and not much traffic, only thing is now I need a soft pillow for my sore butt. I plan to post reviews of the roads and add some more to the site.

  7. madcat6183:

    Thanks for the offer & very generous of you, but I wouldn't feel comfortable borrowing one. I would beat myself up if something happened to it...


    There is a Tractor Supply on rt4 south of Middletown, I pass it on my commute every day. Not sure offhand where others are.

    The one I had picked out is rated for 45mph max so that won't cut it, looks like I am going with the Tractor Supply model. Thanks for all the responses!

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