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Everything posted by buildit

  1. When the flooding stops, Erie will dry up!
  2. New Ireland is an Island, we're land locked. This has got to be New Seattle or We've been annexed into the Adirondacks less the mountains.
  3. I thought New Jersey was the armpit of it all. Ohio is the bastard love child of KY and MI.
  4. This^. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fscience.howstuffworks.com%2Fquestion476.htm&rct=j&q=how%20is%20bullet%20proof%20glass%20made&ei=EYTRTa3XE6jM0AGK78CaDg&usg=AFQjCNGMoFX6OxRmMUhMRreA7LKjq4gQNQ
  5. So many sexual connotations right there.
  6. In the world of dangerous materials lead is pretty low in reality and while 3 lb chuncks wouldn't do you any favors, I bet the cadmium in an electronic part would do more harm than the lead. Reguardless of toxicity (LD50 of 11mg/kg in mice) why do we outlaw a motorcycle for lead content? Was there a rash of hungry young off road kids dying from snacking on their PW50s' Realistically you'd have to consume about a sugar cube sized piece of lead, ground up for total adsorption, for a child to die from it. It just seems someone had youth motorcycles as a target item and pushed it through, but I think we should do the same thing to other youth items like electronics to get congress to change the law and stop being morons. As I understood it the original intent of the law was keep lead out of utensils, jewlery, serving ware, cups, and other items that we might naturally stick in our mouth or a young child might accidentally ingest or teeth upon. As for the skate board, it doesn't seem as likely the lead is in the paint as it does that the lead is in the bearings and trucks used.
  7. Darn kids chewing on the TV set again. Channel 6 set me off last night with there story about toy producers who were volunteering to disclose that there "may" be lead in their toys, followed by some doctor saying how even low levels are bad and NO toys should have any lead in them. The item that they showed with the warning was a skate board! If your kid is so stupid he tries to eat their skate board I see it as natural selection at work that they should get lead poisoning. Moreover that parent should not be allowed to breed any more.
  8. Nope. Do they use lead free parts in all electronics? If so how come they say people need to recycle because of lead in computers and such? Just trying to share the Lead Free love the MC world is facing.
  9. Put the car on trick jacks that will fail in a strong breeze, if it happens to fall off the jacks and crush the thief, opps.
  10. I have been following some of the news reports concerning lead in toys and other products. Currently in the US you can not buy a Motorcycle or ATV for a child because they contain unknown lead levels. Tonight Channel 6 in Columbus reported lead issues with skate boards. Where is the common sense in this and who are the morons enforcing these stupid laws? I am sure there are plenty of idiots crying "who'll protect the children", but I'd like to suggest the blocking of the following products because of their danger to children because of lead. Cars (Lead in Battery and electronics) Computers (lead in the electronics and soldering) Radios, iPods and other listening devices (lead in the electronics and soldering) Gaming counsoles from Xbox, Nintendo, and others (lead in the electronics and soldering) Cell phones for kids (lead in the electronics and soldering) I think if we really put our heads into this we can shut down half of the industries in the US. Which consumer protection group should I talk to about this first.
  11. buildit

    72 MPH moped?

    I know, it was still funny at first glance.
  12. buildit

    72 MPH moped?

    Really? http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/2379269034.html
  13. Nothing feels good on loose gravel. The key is to keep your speed up and get up on the pegs. But the floating feeling will become normal to you and so will the need to lean the bike under you for turns vs slowing and steering through the corners.
  14. buildit


    I see lots of talk but how about putting some photos of your gear where your screen is? HJC modular helmet Fieldsher armored pants Tourmaster armored jacket Alpinestar boots I know I'm not a rocket rider but having gear on is the only way it works. Even offroad: KLIM Dakar pants Armored Compression top Off road boots Shoi helmet not shown.
  15. So Ringo rides with a white sheet? Is that super hero or KKK member?
  16. buildit


    No one will believe you unless you own a V strom. Voted ugliest bike ever on several forums.
  17. Casper posted up a batman wanna be MC suit that made me think, "I've got that look". So show us your super hero motorcycle look.
  18. Seems like a not so good bike for long trips. V-rods remind me of my old Vmax. Not good for much other than coming off the line and eating lots of gas doing it.
  19. Only pussies call the police to get stolen property back.
  20. There are officially more dual sport and dirt riders here than cruisers.
  21. buildit


    I was just talking about this with my cruiser riding neighbor last night. He found a half face helmet along our road and wondered if it was mine because as he said, "I always see you with a helmet on". I told him it isn't mine because my helmets are always on my head when I ride. ATGATT means when you say "OH SHIT" your ass is covered. And as for gear: +1 mesh jacket, vented / flip face helmet and mesh gloves with built in pads. The photo of me in the lower left corner was taken in the bad lands on a 100+ degree day. I wasn't hot till we stopped moving. I really like my modular HJC helmet because when I have to stop I can lift the front open and get (more) air.
  22. Yeah, I only got to ride it two years before it got closed down. Western Ohio really is a void for off roading. I guess I've just come to accept it is 75 miles one way for me to play off road.
  23. If you mean the Richland Furnace ORV area off twp hwy 195 yes, but if you mean the area south of there with the awsome trails, hills, rail road tracks and tunnels, no. The dirt road entering the area was torn up, turned into a walking path, and gated. Really too bad but the four wheelers and pickup trucks made it into a trash pit with beer cans everywhere so that locals forced it to be made a no motorized vehicle area. Richland Furnace ORV is not free however, it requires plates or ORV sticker just like Perry. It is not very challenging and I could ride it on my V-strom. You might consider Pike orv area if you want someplace a bit larger and more fun. You still have to stay on the trails but they are a bit more fun the Richland ORV. Richland: http://ohiodnr.com/DNN/forests/richlandfurnace/tabid/5163/Default.aspx Pike: www.ohiodnr.com/DNN/forests/pike/tabid/5162/Default.aspx
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