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Everything posted by buildit

  1. I remember Bush saying the same thing about the Clinton surplus suddenly being gone. Let's face it NO one president had the shovel the whole time but the hole still got dug. Each one had their part and now we need to fix it. Choices are the following. 1. Drastically cut all government spending and raise taxes on everyone. 2. Pull out of every armed conflict and fire the military. 3. Sit around scratching our collective asses and act like nothing is going on. So far #3 HAS been the choice.
  2. Phoenix, fast typing and big fingers.
  3. How could you resist sayin, "Call me Ishmael"?
  4. Yeah, a lot of possibilities for a clunky shift. But you can check the easy ones like Kush drive, chain tension/condition, clutch cable condition pretty easily. Another thought is oil type being used. On a wet clutch some oils can increase friction. I hear this mostly for oils not designed for bikes but have never experienced it myself. As for bikes that simply go clunk, ever try a BMW GS1200?
  5. You went to Phenix online didn't you. Oddly enough a bad credit rating may be the ticket to cutting our debt. I mean if the value of the dollar goes down then we can pay the debt easier. Kind of like offering a million shares of stock at $100 a share, then having a 2:1 split and revaluing the stock to $10 a share and buying them all back. When the dollar is worth 1/1000 of the value at which the investors purchased the bonds we'll turn 14 trillion in debt into 1.4 billion. Then we can borrow like no tomorrow again, see it's easy! Just as the USSR.
  6. It was a great ride and the weather was awsome for it. Had around 60 riders. There will be another road enduro by another group near Athens but I don't have info. I'll try to get some photo and video up later.
  7. Hope to see some of you there. I plan to be screaming across I-70 towards Z-ville about 8am. Maybe the weather will even be somewhat nice.
  8. I'm guessing your car isn't worth a car alarm?
  9. buildit

    USPS fail

    It's part of the Made in USA campaign. They found out the one in NY was made in France.
  10. AMA Museum, COSI or Dayton flight Museum. Not events but places that are interesting to see.
  11. buildit


    My bad, I was trying to be ironic and f'd up my own joke. I corrected it so that I do not create a rip in the space time continuum. Should have been : Technically ti minus 83 would be less than (<) ti minus 82 But the joke is now me not the pun.
  12. Too many say they know it but don't heed the warning. Better repeated than forgotten. Sean, thanks for the info. It is nice to hear he is remembered fondly by those who knew him.
  13. The lesson to take away from this is even if the rider had no fault, car vs bike and car wins because it's driver got to go home to their family, the rider didn't.
  14. Sorry, I could have sworn it was black.
  15. I call BS! That fire looks like it is starting in the front of the engine. Far more likely the is a fuel related fire.
  16. On the news it looked like a black bike, maybe a cruiser style? The video showed it as very badly damaged.
  17. buildit


    Technically ti minus 83 would be less than (<) ti minus 82. Do I have to correct all the math errors?
  18. Prayers for the family and I hope peace for the rider.
  19. buildit


    I solved my equation above and got: Y=(b/p)X Y=( .264 / 10 ) 288 Y=(.0264)288 Y=7.62 So any 7.62 ammo or converted would be roughly 308 I believe.
  20. buildit


    B = Y -:- X P B= Blood Loss per shot rated 1 to 10 P= Pain rated 1 to 10 Y= Median Caliber of desired round X= 48/2(9+3)
  21. buildit


    I vote we use the equation to decide how many times we should shoot the person who wrote the equation so poorly. We can shoot him 2 times or 288 times. Who still want the answer to be 2?
  22. Glad to see this back on the board. Hopefully with warmer weather and my leg being healed up it will rock on.
  23. buildit

    New record

    Sorry about that, I forgot to log out while I was out riding. Won't happen again.
  24. I guess I shouldn't mention I'm charging for my rides from now on, I think we both know we could put a group ride together that is fun and would cost zero, but as you hinted stuff like this funds many other things that will keep public off road riding open to us. Plus it's nice to get together with a bunch of riders like this that broaden our relationships and builds knowledge.
  25. It's that time of year. Nice weather and everyone wants to feel their oats. 70 West of Columbus was a giant never ending speed trap yesterday with lots of customers. I think the highway patrol writes a lot of tickets just to show they are needed and don't under go further force reductions. After all it was a senior OHP officer who told me they are "nothing more than glorified meter maids". That's a quote!
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