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Everything posted by buildit

  1. See, that's what you get from going to a public range. I'm sure there are people who'd pay more for a sort of full auto SKS. Maybe that's why the OP link is for so much?
  2. Maybe we could spend the money throwing the freeloaders on grenades?
  3. Like I said earlier I remember seeing them at Vances for $99.
  4. I still have mine going on 20 some years. I bought it in NY for $125 and was told I payed too much back then. It's all origional and works flawlessly, never had it miss although it has double tapped once or twice. Handy when fighting zombies I guess.
  5. Used to be able to buy an SKS at Vances for $99. Or is that the point? Maybe the 500 rounds of ammo?
  6. Sort of resembles my friends intruder, but it was a 1400cc bike. I'd look into what other bikes Suz made with that engine to see if their are compatible parts.
  7. No problem, I fight poison ivy out here all the time and am more than happy to help others fight it. Doesn't help I'm very allergic to the crap.
  8. What size front rim are you using? A smaller front tire will decrease stability offroad. I think stock a DRZ is a 21 inch tire? You may also have trouble finding a good DS front tire under 19 inches. I assume the rear is still a 17 or 18 inch tire?
  9. Just a hint on vines, spray them with round up or Sodium Chlorate and allow them to absorb the poison for a week before cutting them down. This allows the poison to penetrate into the roots so they don't grow back. It's also best to do this during the summer when transpiration is at its peak. PS. I was guessing the furnaces outside Nelsonville before the whole pic downloaded showing the depth.
  10. If you weren't sumo I'd introduce you to the 10 miles of abandoned rail road bed out here. But I doubt your tires would like the gravel bed. :-) What side of Columbus are you on? If your a West sider I can introduce you to some nice routs between Plain City and Springfield.
  11. Impossible to understand unless you are at that moment. God bless his passing and honor his sacrifice he made for others.
  12. Tell that to the Columbus cop who pulled me over on 270 and 33 on the NW side while I was heading home on my KTM 950 SE. 20 Min later he released me and appologized for the delay. I've ridden Columbus with the KLR which with the right tire behaves enough like a sumo to know there are much better areas to ride.
  13. Where and what are you finding fun about downtown Columbus? Must be dodging the distracted drivers or waiting for police to figure out that "dirt bike" is street legal.
  14. That's a start, now find a good look out spot, let the police know your staking out the lot so they know your not the bad guy, and take your high quality camera to see if they return. If they do, call the police, video what they do and once they break the first window call the bar and tell them their cars are being robed then video the fun.
  15. I'm afraid he's over qualified.
  16. That's a far better prayer than the one that's said right when you realize things are going wrong. "Oh Jesu........"
  17. For a noob on a DR400sm there are a couple of easy roads west of columbus. 1. The road running along the north side of Big Darby from Plain city to Milford Center. 2. 665 West of Darbyville North 3.Klondike along the Sciota River And East of Columbus 4. Clark State Road from Hamilton road The difficulty of these roads is minimal but I'm sure unresponsible riding could end badly. Plus being close to cities they are patrolled and have numerous driveways along them where old blue hairs like to pull out without looking. But they are all easily reached within an hour from anyplace in Columbus.
  18. Just my own experience but if the title is not in the sellers name then stay away.
  19. In no tech terminology, if the video sucks your SOL because you can't add clarity to bad digital video. Aside from making it brighter, changing the contrast and zooming in what you see is as "clear" as it will be. Editing it will actually reduce the clarity of the image. Sorry you're vehicle got busted into.
  20. Trust is something that is easily destroyed in a sales relationship. If it was your "bad" missing the meeting for the original sale then I wouldn't trust you to ship when you have payment either. If it was his problem, then sorry buddy why should I trust you to pay when you have the goods? If you BOTH f'd up then it sounds like it's time to reattempt a meeting spot and this time exchange cell phone number to confirm prompt arrival.
  21. Wouldn't 1-1-1969 be 42 years? I was wondering why everyone would be celebrating my 41st birthday.
  22. Forget the street bike, what are the dirt bikes in the photo. Yam and Suz but which models?
  23. Westerville road south of I-270. It's an old K-mart building full of gear and stuff. It's a great place to see what works. If your going all the way from Dayton make a day out of it so you can wander around. Also if you intend to take an MSF class better schedule it now, they fill up fast and the savings in insurance will more than pay for it.
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