Ok. It has not been watched and for some reason no 1 ever rented it. nvm its your for 30 dollars. PM your info so I can contact you and I live in new albany or I can bring it to bike night.
I have wolf's rain, gundam seed destiny 1-7, hellsing ultimate 1-3, gun x sword complete, bassilisk, all full metal panic including fumoffu and a lot others.
Ok so here is the deal, I joined a business that rented anime dvds out. I decided to stop that as business was slow and now I have over 200 plus dvds. If you don't like anime please don't comment on how you hate it. All anime is in great shape and list any anime and I will let you know if I have it. I am willing to beat ebay average prices by 5 to 10 dollars depending on the title. Please post a comment if you want one. I am going to put them on ebay in a month. They are not adult anime but regular anime like Full metal panic, black lagoon, and many other series.
Holy crap you saved my life................................ Your 12 month OH quote is:$ 351.00 My quote right now is 1200 lol. Im going to switch right now. Your my hero.
You make it sound so bad. I have been denied moving out of the house for poor choices made. 1. I bought a 1966 mustang gt. lost 1000 on it 2. I bought a 2004 mustang same thing i sold it could not make up my mind. 3. I bought a 1997 chevy camaro... lost 8000 umm bad choice. 4. I bought a 2004 mustang gt... sooo happy saw insurance and cried in corner.. 5. While attempting to save money I bought a motorcycle. 6. Car payments blow. 7. Sucks at talking to women but has nice stuff. 8. Made some great friends and gave them over 1000 to borrow. 9. Those great friends never payed me back and now I can't find em. 10. The list goes on and drama happens. 11. I suck at making good choices and money does not solve anything. Well but at least I made some more friends.