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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. This is great. Poor spiders. What kind a website is this guy running?
  2. Nice I have those games but I play cod 4 a lot. I like left 4 dead but don't have many friends who play it.
  3. Ok so my gamertag is x101x Fatalshot. I am looking to remove about 50 people off my friends list cap of 100. I have 56 xbox 360 games and Im looking for friends. I am looking for OR buddies on my friends list. I have every major multiplayer game. Its x101x FaTaLsHoT Thanks for reading and looking forward to playing games. note that I am not a crazy 14 hour gamer like I use to be and I only play maybe max 2 to 3 hours a night.
  4. Mr Anderson

    No caption

    I like the raven model
  5. Mr Anderson


    Take your camera. Get pics and post em up.
  6. hmmmmmmm my age. Well I am like 21isssshhhhh(cough cough) 46. I am 46 that looks like a 21 yr old so I guess you don't have to stab me.
  7. junkie you are right I did tell her I got a 250 and she was like o rly. She said that is the bike she wanted to get. Then what do I tell em its a 500. Your right my mouth is not working.
  8. Whats wrong with the guitar and mustang fact? How does this make me look worse?
  9. I like this. One question does it transform into a motorcycle? If so I will sell everything I own and buy this. Well except the stuff I need.
  10. Mr Anderson


    It was so wrong but just so damn funny. Better then Borat.
  11. Mr Anderson


    Has anyone seen Bruno yet? I saw it at midnight and almost died by laughing to death.
  12. Thanks, but im a guitarist so I think I should be okay about the band part. Thanks for your advice
  13. the c5 vette is pretty amazing but I am mustang owner. I say get a older mustang like an 05 - 07 gt. They have more part for them and the mustang is one of the best for upgrading. I bought a 40th mustang gt and it has a lot of parts for it. If your into body kits saleen is a good choice. I dont like the newer mustang backend. All im saying is you can buy an older stang and put lots of parts on it or maybe just an echaust. You will save money and still have a muscle car. Also the cobra is a great choice and has a lot more bhp then newer gt.
  14. Hope you find a good bike that you like and let me know so I can see it.
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