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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. That is indeed a good step but I would like to have a roommate. Can't really trust anyone so I would need my own place.
  2. The older the sportbike the better the insurance price drops. The lowest would be 2004 yamaha r6 with a 12 month rate at 1500 a year. My 2009 ninja 250 is at 1120 a year.
  3. If you really want my job Chase is highering over a 1000 people. lol. I can only afford this insurance because I am living at home.
  4. The friends agent is what I am going with but I guess they missed it when they checked his record.
  5. Your right and my insurance is Progressive. Other insurance companys want 5000 a year coverage just for the stang. It just seems like to me that because I want to enjoy life I must pay pay pay. I understand that I am young but they just don't care.
  6. I have but my friend who has 3 speeding tickets and 2 accidents gets better insurance then me.
  7. I looked at 600s and the insurance for me was 2500 a year for full
  8. Ok so I misspelled the title. Can and now I look like a moron. lol
  9. I have been driving for a little over 5 years now. No accidents or speeding tickets. Its over 4000 a year and I am a good driver. Why do I have to pay higher insurance because of other people? I get it a have sports car and sports bike but come on. My step dad pay 100 bucks a year for his motorcycle insurance and I pay $1500.
  10. Thats crazy. People are crazy. Glad your ok.
  11. Great story. Your right everyone in Michigan goes 80 or faster. A few years back I went 100 in the camaro it so fun til I got to Ohio.
  12. Mr Anderson


    Movie theater prices suck but I keep on going back.
  13. Nice gt I will add everyone tonight.
  14. myspace angles they will do anything now a days. too bad really if they werehonest to begin with they would find true love.
  15. is your gt JRMMiii I had a little too much to drink but I'm guessing this. Sorry I tried searching for gt's and it came up with nothing but hopefully everyone still has the same gt for live.
  16. Have you ever neglected to put your feet down at a stop sign? [a] No Yes, but I meant to do it; working on my balance. [c] Yes, but I caught it before I went over. [d] Yes, and the $#@!! fell over in the street next to a school bus full of high-school kids. I like this question.
  17. So your saying you want the spider to bite your penis and you will become spider-man. For $50 you could become superhero. Im in.
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