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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. Yes 250's hold their value. I had mine for 4 years and only lost $900 on the trade in for my new r6. Just be careful with the 600. I was just hitting the throttle a little and its so much a big jump compared to the 250. lol hit 120mph last night but I don't suggest this.
  2. Yes they are a Yamaha rep called me and left no msg. I called them back and an automated msg said they do not take inbound calls but value my business and want to know what I think about the r6 lol.
  3. I did not know about this but I will be golfing on Sunday. Enjoy the ride.
  4. I will ride it for you and then tell you how it rides. Then you can tell the Kawi rep on Monday.
  5. I feel bad for your r6 on the first group ride. You will get your r6 back up and running and I'm glad you were not hurt at all.
  6. Yes Matt its fine and I will show you everything on your new bike. When we getting your ninja from IP. Can Tuesday work for you. You get everything ready for pick up.
  7. Thats no good but good luck. Mfs81 just bought a brand new 2013 ninja 650r and he is a newb
  8. Did you delete my msg? You should change it to project 2013 yamaha r6

  9. Yes get that spot for the msf. Im going on June 20 6pm-10pm, 22 7:30 to something and 23 same time. Im with with Matt and mike but taking my test on Tuesday. Come join us at west broad street one in Columbus.
  10. Hey are going to put wrecked 13 r6 as your bike now?

  11. Shawn go see Evil Dead its not a remake or sequel its a rebirth of the franchise. It is actually in the same universe and it will interact with Army of Darkness 2. The main character from this movie will meet with Ash in another movie. It looks great but I have not seen it. I did see G.I. Joe ands its all action with no story. But its up to you.
  12. lmao and Congrats Chevy
  13. Im taking mine in June you can come join me lol. I have not taken mine in 4 years and Im still here and no accidents or wrecks. Just been using temps for a long time. I started out on a 09 ninja 250r and now that I moved up to the 600cc its so fun. A huge jump and I suggest you stick with a 250 for a year. They have high re-sale value and are very great on the twisties. Keep it for a year and then sell it and get your 600cc. Alsoe get a brand new helmet and all the riding gear. Your life is more important than your ride. Oh and Welcome to OR!
  14. The race today was great. Plan on watching the rest of the season. Rossi was great today.
  15. lol is this against copyright?
  16. Thanks for the help weim and I enjoyed meeting you guys. Thanks for the ride and sucks my friend went down but he is fine.
  17. No one cares about your opinion...... lol but yes I agree with you Mike
  18. Ok I don't need gas but Mike might need to I will jsut let him know tonight when I see him. We will meet you at your place. Thanks for the invite and weather looks great for tomorrow.
  19. Hey Brandon should Mike and I get gas before we head over to your place or should we wait?
  20. Sorry John I don't use fb anymore. I have been a nerd lately playing mmorpg's and watching game of thrones. I said that motorcycle because it is one I would buy and I am not into the busa at all. I'm going on the group ride tomorrow.
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