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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. Hey Kawi how's evething going for you. Just bought my new motorcycle yesterday. Look forward to riding with you.

  2. Mr Anderson

    photo 1

    When did you take these Mikey?
  3. Thanks. Don't intend to mess around. What's up jbot
  4. Yes.... Been off this site for a couple years. Just wondering. I'm getting Shoei x-12 Bautista.
  5. What's the riders discount? How much can I save?
  6. Thanks just waiting on my gear to come and get my new motorcycle tomorrow. Nice riding days tomorrow and Saturday.
  7. does it come with the mounted laser gun?
  8. Hey I would also like to join in the Columbus group. I will be riding in with Mike and hopefully our other friend can make it.
  9. Welcome friend. We can ride are r6's anytime.
  10. Ok I will watch it after I finish How I met your mother. I love that show.
  11. Yes I love that game. Great story so far but I need to play it again. Somes stories are creepy.
  12. Ok I will be on tonight. I will try hardcore. send me a msg.

  13. You still play call of duty mw 2?

  14. Wrong again Max. You started the pm's so please learn how not to lie. I never started anything and you started it when I came back. I never asked for you to like me. Say what you want but your arguing is more pathetic then I could ever be. Stop posting lies. A threat is a threat. Once again you prove all the points I mentioned in my pms to you. That is all I have to say and about this matter.
  15. Please close thread I see no point in arguing with someone that won't tell the truth.
  16. Lame, funny and sad at the same time. No one ever sent you nasty pm's but you started this and try to say I sent them. You started this max and now you try to change your lies around. Back when there was rep you put bad comments on your feedback to others and put Mr A. I remember becuase those people sent me msgs and it was obvious it was you. Once I again I did nothing but your child like remarks are funny. I sent you a msg asking why you did it and it was not nasty in one bit. I don't go so low as to come to your level. I don't need to act like a fifth grader and make bad comments to others. There is no reason at all and I am not that kind of person. You acted like a dick first and I never acted like a dick at all to you. So get over it and stop posting annoying 5th grader remarks to me.
  17. Hey Chase is hiring all the time. Go to Chase.com/careers. I have been there 3 years now. Let me know what your interested in and I will send you an e-mail. Its full or part time and the pay is pretty good. Do you like taking phone calls or working on computers or being a personal banker. I forgot to send you the e-mail last time so this time I will remember to do it.
  18. I was not trying to post an attention thread. Although it may seem like it. I was just posting to the people I ride with that Im back for good and my break from this site was because of certain events that happened. I came on this site to meet people and go on rides.
  19. Hey whats up aerik

  20. What's your problem to begin with? I did nothing to you. It's all because of that coshocton ride I went on. I made buddies with the coshocton crew and some how or another you got hurt. Get over it. Be a mature adult and stop posting annoying pre-schooler remarks about me. By the way your threats never did bother me. I just don't understand you or why you would threaten me when I did nothing.
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