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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. Yeah I saw that. Might just split it with one of my friends. forgot the conversion rate lol.
  2. What channel do you guys watch this besides speed channel hd? Is there an uncut viewing I can watch on time warner /insight?
  3. no problem. If he does not buy them just send me a pm. Also what is the exact name of these smx boots. Thanks.
  4. Those boots are sick. I would buy them but just bought some TCX boots but the alpinestars would match all my other alpinestars boots. Still not sure but a great price. I wonder if I can take back my tcx boots. lol
  5. Hey Tomcat and thats good to hear gunner. Hope you guys make it out tomorrow. I got my gear from Iron Pony today.
  6. Ok thanks. Just new to the bike if it was my 250 I would be in the fast group lol. That 250 handles great on the twisties.
  7. I'm going with the central group to Iron Pony since its closer to New Albany. Mike_n92 and I will ride up there together. Your welcome to join us since you said New Albany was close to you. Sorry Jack going with central since its closer to where I am. I will meet you at the meet spot. Thanks again.
  8. I agree with you and nice helmet. Are you buying a track bike or converting yours to the track?
  9. Makes sense. Thanks for the reply. Just going to have to save up and get a track bike next year. Then I can get my 1 piece suit. What do you think of the shoei x-12 helmet for the track?
  10. What is the main difference you see as to why he should get a 1 piece? I was also going to the 2 piece route. Thanks for your advice I was also thinking about track days but have never done any.
  11. My friend is a professional painter. I can ask him if he wants to help you but he does not know bike talk lol.
  12. lol a lot of people sat on my r6. I was in this from the start with Mike_n92. I'm not going to ride like a grandpa but at least some what safe. IT's EPIC. I will be there Yes. Hey I will meet up at your place with Mike_n92.
  13. um thats my motto but its ok I changed it so you can use it.
  14. I'm excited for this ride. I will be getting my new riding gear tomorrow. I also plan on being in the slow group lol. Want to take it easy on my first major ride on the r6.
  15. Yes, I plan on going on several group rides and putting miles on it. Look forward to seeing you.
  16. I know what your saying. I use to be the same way. I weighed 125 for a long time. Went to gym lifting weights and gained muscle mass and got up to 150. Make sure you take a protein shake within 15 mins after your workout. I also take creatine with my post workout. I use No shotgun as my pre-workout. 4 to 5 days a week and mix it up. Working the same muscle groups every workout will give you no results. Legs are a must for lifting and the stronger they get the more mass you will gain. Also eat 5 to 6 meals a day. 3 main meals and 2 or 3 snacks depending on the workout schedule. Make sure to eat every 3 to 4 hours to keep your metabolism going. A snack can be a protein shake with peanut butter. You should take into consideration how much protein you have in your meals. Think of it as 1.5 grams of protein per pound and this will help you gain mass. You can also substitute a mass maker as a meal. Check out sbmuscle.com and I use gaspari nutrition for my protein and optimum nutrition for the creatine. Hope this helps you as everyone is different. I can give you my workout plan and also the muscle building diet if your interested. Also make sure to count your calories. Your diet will be 70% of your workout plan. You body will burn calories everyday so just find out what is and increase your calories.
  17. The right diet and protein will help you gain mass.
  18. I would buy this but just bought a new motorcycle. I am looking for a track motorcycle but maybe next year. GLWS What do you ride now Jbot?
  19. You can do it. Its all motivation. I use to be 125lbs and when I started lifting I got up to 165lbs and for my height people thought I was a ufc fighter lol.
  20. This is a good goal and I also had problems with running. Have you tried eating almonds. Eating raw almonds has been proven for helping weight loss. A handful a day will do it. I have been slacking as well and plan on losing weight. Goal for 15lbs by June 1st. I have been working out for 5 years now and I took a break this winter lol. I would say 70% of losing weight is the right diet and 30% is your workout routine. I plan on doing 4 days a week with running 5 days a week. I have seen good results with seperating your weightlifting from your running. The best results I saw was last year when I would run or do stairs for 30 minutes on an empty stomach in the morning. I would also workout at night. I went from 17% body fat down to 8% in 30 days on a magazine diet. It was also the magazine workout plan I used. Hope this helps and good luck.
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