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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. Sucks you will be leaving.

  2. The red guy messed up on the lips a little. Purty though.
  3. Too much Tebow. That saud I agree with yea.
  4. I thought we would go to a real bar and not some club. I am out.
  5. Who is all going and what time? Sugar is too crowded and not that good of a place.
  6. Where do you like to go in cbus? Any good bars? Brothers is full of dbags.
  7. Nevermind I just read your thread. I can go if it is past nine.

  8. Whats a GT score? Joining the Army National Guard.
  9. Where do you want to go?

  10. What about this book? My friend said he used it and got a 93.
  11. I was bad at that section. I am trying to open up my options in the Guard. Being a mechanic does sound nice.
  12. Yea I scored a 70 last time I took it 3 years ago. I almost joined the National Guard then. I think I am ready to join so I am trying to get a good score.
  13. Read the thread. If I were to get kicked out of the rents house. I'm not going bankrupt the rents are.
  14. Was looking to get a good score in the high 90s. Been out of school for a while and not good at mechanics section. Looking to take the test next month. Required is a 30 but any thoughts on a good study book. - Thanks
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