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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. Def. I added you. I run at peeps with gernades now for fun. COD4 FTW
  2. Mr Anderson

    Cell phones

    I had no problems for 4 years now. I get a 30% sprint disount so I might switch next year.
  3. I might be able to hang out wit you guys.
  4. 1.87 psshhh lol jk. Idec about my kill death but when I tried it was 2.34 and in every fps. Ok so I stiopped trying and its like 1.90 now lol.
  5. The megan fox toe thumb. What's the big deal about this anyways? She still is hot.
  6. Cool we should meet at mcdonalds around 10am or so. Who all is going?
  7. Arms need to not be crossed or any fists. OK I will work on it.
  8. Mr Anderson

    Cell phones

    Im switching to Sprint. Verizon 400min per month with unlimited text, data, pic and vids. free talk to any verizon customer. $55 a month. It sucks and thats even with a 25% discount for working with chase.
  9. Cool Well I got wake up early for this. Im free all day Kawi so the distance does not matter to me. Maybe not like a 10 hour ride. I think that is to long.
  10. I talked to them for a lil but and then all the people were like o look its Mr Anderson. lol it was a good time. Jess could tell I was nervous.
  11. to the site. More info. How long have you been riding?
  12. I get so much fraud from this site at where I work. I dont trust this site with any of my money.
  13. I agree but I still think they are both hot.
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