I thought real hard before posting this. Serious matter to me at least. Most of you are adults here and so I would like your help. Well start it off I was not born here. I was adopted at the age of 1 year and a couple months. In an orphanage in San Salvador, EL Salvador. There was long civil war going on and lots of people were killed. I don't know my real birthday or my real name. I was found on the streets as a baby and in critical condition. Im assuming my parents were killed or they left me to die. My question is should I look for my real parents. I want to fly back to my home country. I don't even know if I have brothers or sisters out there. Is there any government agency that could help me out with this? Its in another country and I don't even know if dna can help me out. My (adoptive) parents say its up to me. I don't even know if it will even be worth it. Should I be happy or pissed off that they left me. Please only serious answers. I am the only person in my bloodline and I would like to find someone that is related to me.