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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. What does this even mean? What type of card?
  2. Im not sure. Hopefully just one flat fee but they will make us pay parking for both. Im guessing.
  3. Im not going to drink that much tonight. Im up for riding there.
  4. Its going to take an hour to get home? lol. I would princess but Im at work til 9.
  5. Bringing the cage with me. Be there late. I found this thread.
  6. I know coming but I will be there by 9:30pm
  7. How much? Are you still going? Do you want to join me?
  8. How long you staying there and i will come join
  9. Hooters. Im at work til 9pm and I have no idea where this hooters is.
  10. Wow so much hate, plus the dreaded bad feedback.
  11. Def. Its fun and you will have a good time.
  12. iiiieee yeah. I see. We should go drinking sometime.
  13. Well maybe not together. but I will drive.
  14. I will buy one and we can go together.
  15. Yes my name is Erick. I dont tell anyone about the vcard just close friends that are helping me out with the ladies. I would love to go drinking. V4junkie, do you want to go tonight. Are you heading up mid ohio?
  16. Ok. It just sucks going by myself. Im use to it.
  17. Send a pm or something. We could meet up and it does sound like fun. I have never had the chance to go.
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