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Mr Anderson

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Everything posted by Mr Anderson

  1. I thought about it but the cockblockers would appear out of nowhere. I tend to attract them when I talk to single ladies.
  2. I agree. I am joking with what I say on here. I know Jess is busy. I just told her if she has time to see hp to let me know. Waiting is no big deal to me. Im not one of those guys that wants to hurry and go see HP.
  3. this is true. She is busy but Im still working on a good date. Maybe we should add dinner and a movie.
  4. I was thinking of going to a bar tonight after work. Would like to have some OR.net drinking buddies. Maybe downtown cbus or somewhere. All this talk over women and vcard has called out to me. I know the or hooters thing is going on but you guys can still join me later right.
  5. Dude you have been in the bathroom for like hours now. Poor HP kids.
  6. Hey is anyone going to the bars tonight or tomorrow.
  7. Sooooooooooooooooooooo has anyone seen this new Harry Potter movie?
  8. Mr Anderson

    artie silencer

    That is awesome.
  9. I like where this thread is going.
  10. Well I think americans are lucky. I mean I have lived here my whole life but I can from a third world country. I saw picks where I can from and I was even dying when my parents got me. If I would have stayed there I would've died.
  11. Your right if junkie joins me I am ready for a fight.
  12. Its cool man. I like anime and other people don't. Im not going fight over it.
  13. hhmmmm only from na so I don't know where you use to live.
  14. I saw. Well I think Im going to get 04 - 08 r6 or r6 s.
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