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Posts posted by fox_racing_guy

  1. PS the old lady in the trailer next to Big Muskie is a pain in the Ars! Several times we've stopped to get photos she came out yelling, "I'm calling the cops". F' her.

    I had a run in with that old broad a few years ago when I rode my KTM Duke up into the bucket to snap a photo and give it some scale size. As soon as I shut the bike off she was already mid sentence screaming this & that "I'm calling the police" I didn't take the photo, hopped back on the bike and gave her a little "roost" as I went past her. I don't how in the Hell those guys on the BMW's pictured got any where near the front of it with out that old bag raising Hell, she must have not been there at the time.

  2. Last weekend we stopped at this particular curve just to ride back and forth to take photo's. I think the best thing to do is ride the entire road at a moderate pace on you first pass then turn around and increase your speed to your own comfort level. Personally for me I noticed there are many more "speed bumps" on 536 then there was last year.




  3. Mark, I'm disappointed that we missed each other. I was expecting to see you on our way down 536, and you were not expecting anyone to be crazy enough to ride on 148. I see your point - but who was to know that the gravel would stretch the whole way to our intersection? My SS got a nice taste of dirtbike style riding that day! I found out yesterday, that it's hard to change routes when you have 15 or so bikes split across three (or more) groups.

    Well mate, thanks on behalf or coreriders and ohioriders for ferrying Rob back to Bolivar yesterday - that was brilliant of you.

    We'll grab you for a smaller ride sometime. Maybe we could pick you up in Sherrodsville on our way down south one Sunday?

    I might have to join you for your next ride. After next weekend I'll be traveling for work and I'll be in NY during the 4th of July weekend, that might be a good thing though as I'm sure everyone knows the local PD's are out in full force for the holidays.

  4. The Pics.

    Here is the 2 FJR's I picked up on the ride to Branesville.


    Here people start showing up, the couple on the SV & VFR were on there way to VA.




    This is everyone that I know of.


    This is the corner on RT800 I was waiting for everyone to come flying by.. It didn't happen thanks to me not asking anyone what route they were taking South :o


    Looking up hill here.


    The damage to the CBR, this is the worst of it and it looked like a pretty easy fix to me.


    Hopefully someone else will post of some photo's of what I missed on the rest of the ride. I still had a great time and will be doing more of these rides in the future.


  5. Well I'm home early (not by choice) and I'll tell about my day. I decided to meet up with everyone in Barnesville since I didn't want to ride North then turn South right back past my own house. No sooner than I get on Rt800 2 FJR's appear in my mirrors then we come to a stop at a traffic light. I let them go passed me when it turned green and decided to follow them and see what kind of pace they would set. They were rolling at about 80 indicated (72 actual on my bike) and were riding pretty good. When we got to 22 I decided to go around and see if they would keep pace. Both of them did pretty well till we started hitting some more of the curvy sections on 800 and 1 of them fell completely out of my mirrors and the other fell back about 1/4 mile or so. Where 800 runs parallel with I70 I slowed to about 40 MPH and waited for them to catch up. First 1 then the other were both in my rear view again by the time I reached the bridge to cross the interstate. I then just cruised up to the Certified station in Barnesville and they followed me in. It turn out the 2 guys are brothers and I told them about the group coming down and they could join us if they liked. 1 of them got a call from his wife and she wanted to go now so he turned around and road all the way back to Cleve to pick her up.

    Slowly but surly the rest of the riders started showing up and at about 10:45 there must have been around 22 bikes there. I met some of the CORE folks and everyone seemed pretty friendly for sure, 1 real nice guy with a "english accent" ( sorry I'm horrible with names) I thought there would be about 8 or 10 bikes max and this sure was a surprise to me with all these folks. Personally I don't like doing sport rides with these many bikes on public roads as I think it's very hard to keep everyone together and some might feel "the pressure" to try and keep pace. I told a couple of them I was going to get a jump so I could take photo's of everyone riding by so I hit the road. I guess I should have asked what way they were going South because I sat on a guard rail for about 1/2 hour waiting for everyone to come flying by. Then I started thinking about it and I say to myself there is no way in Hell they turned off on 148, as I passed that intersection there was a construction sign that read "lose gravel" so they couldn't have went that way.. Yep they sure did. So I just continued South on 800 till I got in Woodsfield then it was on to 78 to the most excellent RT 536. I was taking it pretty easy on my first pass to check for gravel, grass, dead wildlife, ext and I come up on the corner that the group I rode with last Sat stopped to take photo's and I see a bunch of bikes parked on the curb. I'm thinking cool everyone stopped at this same place again to take some photo's. Well it turns out 1 of them over cooked the corner and ran off,, ( Again sorry, I'm horrible with names) I stopped to check out the situation and luckily the guy was not hurt at all (physically) but he broke off his left clip on and there was no way he was riding the bike out. The bike is a very nice CBR 1000 R with a Arata Exhaust and besides the clip on it didn't look to bad. Nobody else was offering the guy a ride I decided to "gay it up" and give him a ride back. He did do something really smart, trailered his bike to Bolivar instead of squaring off his tires riding down from Mentor on the interstate. So 100 or so miles later we arrive at the DQ in Bolivar and I drop him off at his truck. I already live 20 miles South of there and told him if he ran into any problems to call me and I would go and help him out. So far no phone call. He even paid to have my gas tank filled up when we stopped on the trip back and that was not necessary at all. I still had a pretty fun day and everyone I have met from here so far has been great and I have enjoyed every ride I have participated in so far.

    The rider himself will have to clue everyone in as to what happened because I was not a witness to it or even in the vicinity. I hope the rest of the ride was great for everyone and I can't wait to do the next one.


    PS I'll load up some pics tomorrow

  6. For anyone else that wants to make this same mistake.. I mean happiest decision in there life I'm a 100% legally ordained minister ( licensed by the State of Ohio even) and would be happy to perform the ceremony for free as long as you do it on your motorcycle. If you want to be married in a church with a bunch of stuffed shirts I'll leave that to the real professionals.

  7. Isaac's papa

    Can you forward me a copy of your planned route (foxracing at bigtits dot com)

    Me and 2 others might come along now as well but we would meet you on 800. We all live right off Rt800 and there is no reason for us to ride to Bolivar then ride right back past all of our homes.

  8. I might make this trip but if I'm not there don't wait on me. I know of some funner roads besides 800 to go south but are not really out of the way either. 800 is not that great till you get South of 22.

  9. lol, I work with people who go to that race every year, some even run...they are quick...but 4 deaths per race on average...no thanks..

    Can you name the guys that race there? Last time I was there was 2002 (spectator) and I don't remember any guys from Ohio. I took about 800 photo's though so if you can tell me the names or bike #'s I might have some photo's of them.

  10. so where's the other guys photo's? the one that was taking pics by the road and of misc people that was staring at him. :)

    His camera is still in my tank bag and if he don't pick it up tonight I'll take to work with me tomorrow and load them on my external HD then post some up. I'm still going through the 257 pictures I took Sat on 536 :violin:

  11. Not to thread jack (though you get free bumpage for it), but how much for the Zrex, fox? :D

    It's not for sale, I got a pile of cash wrapped up in that thing plus all my sportbike riding friends would be pissed. They call that bike the "station wagon" I always end up carrying everyones digital cameras, drinks, shield cleaners, extra clothing and anything else you can think of.

    Another bump for my old Duke II as well.

  12. A few shots from today all taken on 536, I got about 250 pics just need to do some editing.

    Group at the top of the hill.


    Chris (quikzx9r) dragging knee.


    Mr Ducati (sorry I'm horrible with names)


    Jim on his R6


    We never met up with the main group from C-bus but I think we passed them on RT7 going the other way. I had a great time and had a total of 295 miles.

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