agreed, my main reason was to find out how much better gas mileage I get with E0 (100% gas) as opposed to the commonplace E10 (90%gas) sold everywhere..... even if it might be more expensive comparatively, would it actually turn out to be cheaper? I plan to check data with my duc and my bimmer to see the differences because 100% gas is also much better at returning mileage than ethanol-ladden gas....because ethanol has less energy density, it takes more amount ethanol to create the same amount of energy a given amount of gas creates ethanol also reduces the life of motors due to its corrosive nature in eating fuel system rubber lines, seals and engine cylinder walls and victimizing catalytic converters.......... It pisses me now that farmers want the government to mandate E15 (85%gas) just so they can create more demand for their crops and get more money without considering 2 things 1) less gas mileage which ultimately results in higher running costs due to having to buy more gas 2) even more reduced engine health I hope the EPA blocks that decision