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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. Here is what I have. The sound quality is amazing for the price. I have mine paired up with a 600 watt sony reciever. http://www.crutchfield.com/p_714HDT300/Klipsch-HD-Theater-300.html?search=klipsch+system
  2. Its a good looking bike, but i feel as others have mentioned that its going to be a small run of handbuilt sport bikes. Yes they are very neat, but I have a feeling they will be also very unattainable.
  3. ^ that sumo would be an absolute blast on your roads sir!
  4. always cover the rear brake! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx4F94DnATY
  5. I messed with a tomos moped at one point. Put the biturbo exhaust on it, it was a two speed. It would run about 45-50, once it shifted into second gear.
  6. no pun intended right? LOL anyways. I don't know if that will be a hard to find part, or not but I continue to check for updates! =)
  7. rock on jared! looks like a great time! sorry i didnt make it!
  8. hmm. They never bothered me much untill one day I got a notice of 10 points...
  9. if your interested give him a call! 937 308 8585
  10. I ordered mine from britishcustoms.com before it was all said and done with.
  11. well, when I wipe it off its black, its just brown on the tip. I haven't messed with the tune in almost 7000 miles. Maybe its always been this way and I've never noticed it.
  12. I rode about 135 miles today and noticed my exhaust had a brown residue on it instead of the normal black. Any thoughts?
  13. selling for a buddy of mine.. http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/1931881887.html
  14. guess im not the only one... http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&&sa=X&ei=dAuFTLi2IYT7lwffsMyjDw&ved=0CBIQvwUoAQ&q=clear+alternatives+still+in+business%3F&spell=1
  15. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Clear-Alternatives/191087733613?ref=sgm
  16. It seems like for me, once the dayton specific area was gone, rides quit happening. I now noticed that everythings being tossed in together into one forum, and using different headings. Why the change?
  17. The reason I feel they went out of business, is because originally I ordered the wrong light directly from them. I tried to call all of there phone numbers listed on clearalternatives.com, and none of them worked. One goes directly to someones voicemail, that happens to be full.
  18. sounds like a swap needs done! hehe! kidding! looks great!
  19. I've recently discovered that riding with music keeps me much more aware. My mind doesn't wonder and I stay much more focused on the task at hand, instead of the house project in the back of my mind or whatever else runs through my head. I use skull candy type ear buds, and they are great, beause if i turn the tunes off, they dub as nice ear plugs too.
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