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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I can't ride with snow on the ground. This is going to be my winter hobby.
  2. I have found myself really getting into disc golf in the recent weeks, and was wondering if anyone else played and what your fav course is?
  3. I have a friend whom has a 98 or 99 ranger. maybe even newer than that, but every so often he has to replace leaf springs, as they rust apart and break.
  4. just slid on, just as the directions said with the provided glue. I hope its not too big of a deal and they stand beside there product!
  5. Well, I recieved my grips today. I am unsure if I am happy with them or not. My install will explain. Upon opening the kit, everything appeared to be very good quality. My bike- The grip installed. Felt real nice in my hand. They provided a nice little bracket to mount the controller. heres the controller. Now heres where things get kind of irritating. Once i got everything installed, my grip suddenly felt strange when I put my hand on it. Apparently it ripped? I have emailed the company, with pictures. Hopefully they will make things right?
  6. where'd you get that lil camera? I would be interested in one of those.
  7. i came across this on my diesel bike research. This thing is really neat! hydrostatic three cyl turbo diesel http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=lvogts#g/u
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRzP_NMIYrU
  9. I concure! :DId like to hear a video of that thing running!
  10. ^ I think I would have been so fired up I would have turned around and had a few choice words for them LOL
  11. my closest call didn't involve another car or bike. It was me by myself, it was about 35 degrees out, way out in the middle of no where. I came into a long sweeper, and apparently there had been some heavy chip seal done in the area. The sweeper was coated in aggregate, that had fallen off of a truck. I hit the mess doing about 35-40. It was like sand, I couldn't turn. I went through the ditch, through someones front yard, sliding sideways, with my left foot on the ground. I envision it something like a dirt track racer. I got to there driveway, and rode of as if nothing ever happend. I rode into town and stopped to re collect. My left leg hurt like hell, and my boot was covered in grass and mud, but we came out unscathed!
  12. oldschoolsdime92


    I too have been sick for almost a week now, I am just coming out of it it all. alkaseltzer cold and cough gel caps proved to work wonders, along with a few shots of crown along the way!
  13. id almost give my triumph up for that! that things way cool!
  14. i agree. it does suck, but sometimes it can't be avoided.
  15. hadn't thought of that! but the idea of being decapitated due to a steel cable being in my path if I were to happen to go down, I dont like.
  16. nick thats on 75, between piqua and troy, apparently they are going to do 75 like that from MI to flordia. I don't like those one bit. gives me a very uneasy feeling.
  17. Has anyone noticed these popping up on the interstates? I always thought to myself, that if i go down on the highway, atleast I have a median I can attempt to slide into. Not anymore. I think these would do more damage than good.
  18. i don't know about deathly ill, but i sure got one hell of a cold out it all. I haven't even been on my bike since this ride. I'm now fighting a cough, and stuffy nose, and all the aches and shit that goes along with a cold. It certainly made me it's bitch. Mental note, next time the weather goes from 50 to 85 in a ride, im not taking a single layer off.
  19. Well, I had the day off today, and no one was available to ride, but that didn't stop us. We went out about 730 this morning, and met my lovely girlfriend for breakfast at frisch's in englewood ohio. I indulged in a delish big boy and fries at about 8 oclock and we were on the road by 9. I really didn't have a plan on where I was headed. I just had my camera,my motorcycle, and myself. So off we went! Our first stop was the englewood metro park. This used to be a lake, it appeared to be completely dry. From Englewood, I decided I wanted to ride some of the few twisties in the area, So I headed that way. I hit a few local roads and then I headed out st route 55 to Terre Haute. I found a real cool road awhile back and I decided I wanted to ride it again. From there I decided I was going to lake loramie. I dailed in the GPS and took off. I stopped in the small town of fletchure to snap a picture of there covered bridge. And I was off to fort loramie the lake was beautiful. It was so quiet I hated to start my bike. from lake loramie, I wasn't quite ready to come home,so i headed towards Grand Lake St Marys. so peaceful so anyways, after that i decided it was time for some lunch. I was going to go to the sunny side diner, and when I arrived at the resturant, it was closed. It began to sprinkle, and I got on the highway and high tailed it home, for a grand total of 240 miles.
  20. im not so sure i even want to know how you came across that...
  21. ive got monday off work, bikes packed up and ready to go, anyone riding?
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