-It wasn't sound when It arrived at adams house man, you had a pool of coolent in your bottem fairing. . I don't know about you, but I am certainly not taking a bike on a spirited ride that has the possibility of puking coolent all over my rear tire. I don't know what more to say other than that. A fellow in particular even tried to explain to you that the "thermostat, not kicking on" is not the problem with you fan not coming on, and you just sorta blew him off. Don't get me wrong, I have 0 problem with you. I just was stating that your bike needed some help. Theres two wheels here.. not four. theres alot more at stake. double,triple, even quadroople check things. as for spending 10k. I sure as hell don't have 10k in my bike. Whatchu think im riding... a harley?