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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. hittem with your flute greeg!
  2. if hes been aware of the situation for along time, he should know his roll, and what he needs to do to stay away from it. Wifi isnt anything real new and its just going to continue to grow.
  3. im not a fan if wheelies and such, and this guys super squarley! I thought he was done a few times!
  4. welcome. Everytime i hear the name greg i think of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7-_rcjjd7E
  5. thats was neat. rather relaxing actually. I have never flown, but I believe id probably give that a go!
  6. I am not quite sure what to think of all this. uhmm..discuss? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsPjNYY5GvM&feature=related
  7. your motorcycle tire has a huge flat spot right in the middle, and the sides of your tire look brand new!
  8. i just want a cheap non running to fix so i can offer snow removal.
  9. thats the kind of thing im finding. These guys think they are made of gold!
  10. maybe ill just hunker down and get back out there in the cold.
  11. 25 pushups 25 sit ups 10 step ups per leg with 25# dumbells 20 bike kicks 10 Cleans (long bar with 25#'s each end, start in squat position and throw to chest) if you still don't get it, check www.crossfit.com videos 10 standing side crunches per side. I hold a 45# plate in the opposite hand 20 leg raises 20 bench dips plank 60 seconds each side plank 60 seconds rest and repeat 2 more times What do you mean sit ups per leg? err. I fail. I read it wrong
  12. Semen is one of the most fattening substances known to man. (Don't tell!) Thats why! She was worried she was going to get fat due to all the time spent on her knees?
  13. even over the summer i was finding some that said "needs some work" that were way over priced. who knows. I will keep my eye out
  14. me eaither. Talk about messing with your head.
  15. fonz, How can you do the cold? I was fine down to about 20 last night here, it was 4. My chest isn't too keen on it. I doing my situp/push ups inside for awhile untill it gets out of the teens and atleast into the 20s. I will post up what ive been doing
  16. those guys on craigslist are nuts im seeing lil 2 smoke toros doing for 2-400 bucks!
  17. i got some super cheapies from IP and i love them. http://www.ironpony.com/ironponydirect/product.asp/ImageName/VEGA-09-MERGE-BOOT.jpg/Brand/VEGA/Class2/Footwear/Class3/Street%20Boots-Mens/Class1/STREET%20PRODUCTS
  18. bawahahaha! you guys are great! i saw 5 posts and i thought sweet jesus! theres a bunch of them! I dont care if the engine is blown up eaither.
  19. Does anyone have a snow blower that may need some work, or just one they want to sell cheap?
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