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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. is it just me or are you missing a front brake rotor?
  2. hehehe i saw that the other day over on the fz6 forum!
  3. the brakes. You can look at the resivours, and make sure the level is up to full. Most cases you can also check the thickness of the pad, looking at the pad on the open end of the caliper. As for the bearings, you need to get the wheel off the ground and grab the wheel at 3 and 9 oclock and wiggle it. Then grab it at 12 and 6 wiggle. If it has any slop, it needs bearings.
  4. I like to check the following 1) tires 2)brakes 3)chain 4)wheel bearings if bike has center stand 5) oil ( If it is overfilled, it may have been "stunted") 6)fairings for cracks, any missing fairing bolts 7)all lights 8)bent forks. 9) if you can test ride the bike, do it by all means, but not before you do an indepth visual.(you would hate to go down due to the owners negligents) thats all i have for now.
  5. It could have been as simple as he got cought out in the snow. State police said that Petrun will face a number of traffic citations. I dont quite understand what they can charge him with. If someone puts a car in the ditch on a snowy road they don't get charged with it. Ohwell. On with it!
  6. Now since my bike has heli bars on it , i get to play a delightful game called " Lets figure out which cable it is"
  7. welcome to the mix tayter! I'm from troy also!
  8. no sir. I was by myself. His bike is still being put back together. I pushed it from the corner of ballinger road and old springfeild to the five rivers metro park http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=englewood+metro+park+englewood+ohio&sll=39.768436,-84.245911&sspn=0.538335,1.231842&ie=UTF8&hq=englewood+metro+park&hnear=Englewood,+OH&ll=39.903021,-84.271832&spn=0.06716,0.15398&z=13
  9. So I decide im going to go for a ride. Right? Wrong. 5 miles from home my clutch cable broke! Id like to thank granda080 for the help getting her loaded up and the ride to get my truck!
  10. also, I know joann fabrics sell's foam, but you may stop at an upolstry shop, and see what they have, expessially scraps.
  11. i think ida tossed that little kid in the drink! ... Not really but the thought would have crossed my mind.
  12. i stumbled across that last year during lunch time at work. I ended u watching all 3-4 peices on you tube
  13. Have you guys ever seen the documentary on roids that was on awhile back? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEHxCAR2suM
  14. piqua is just a few miles north of troy! =)
  15. thanks fonz! LOL actually this is somthing that my grandfather and I do together. Hes in his mid 70s. If it wern't for him, I would have never gotten into it.
  16. congrats fonz! I found a place recently that I am able to run indoors, so I am going to be back at it!
  17. I just shrug my shoulders, and tell them I enjoy it.
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