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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. haha, I really didnt panic. It was like slow motion. I realized what was happening and even thought to myself, im glad this ditch isnt deep, and once i hit the grass, i sorta went into dirt bike mode. I had my foot down and was on the brakes. got into town, brushed alittle dirt off my boot.
  2. If anyone is riding in the area of spiker road in sidney be careful. There is crushed limestone all over the place.Townships and road crews use it in durapatcher machines.To give any of you who dont know what this is an idea, it has about the consistancy of sand but its the same color as the road. I was going into a nice sweeper and hit some. I was unable to turn. It was like riding a bicycle on the beach. I went down through the ditch, into someones front yard, through there yard. I got myself stopped, rode over to there driveway, made sure there was no one coming, and I just kept on riding. I must say this was one of the scariest situations riding I have ever had. The bike is fine, as am I. Just wanted to give anyone in the area the warning.
  3. duck tape a flash light on there and use hand signals!
  4. gotcha! it got kinda steep the last 5 or 6 rocks, but it wasnt bad at all. People were walking there dogs there and just going for walks! It really was neat to see the fog on the lake. I had never been that far north!
  5. the rocks were still there. but it was a nice walkway. andy, granda080 mentioned the show boat, I wish i would have been able to see it!
  6. Granda080s father was elected to do the repair work on his bike, so I offered to haul it to his parents house! Great trip.lots of beautiful scenery,and wonderful food! Heres some pics my girlfriend natasha took, from the pier in huron ohio.
  7. if you all wernt already an hour or so from me, id be down. I plan on taking a ride this afternoon.
  8. one time, i heard Ann Arbor had a Cleveland steamer fetish
  9. congrats don. nothing like clutch swappage! I did a few of those on the s10.. eww.
  10. Im with sprint, typically the manufacturer will have them. Once in a blue moon if you go to home depot/lowes/menards, they may have a returned door with peices they would sell, but thats very far and few inbetween.
  11. a women,a bike,and income, and a place to call home.simple enough...although hot pockets are good too..
  12. bummer guys. I hope you have a safe trip over. thoughts and prayers for you and your family.
  13. buy the 09 and then import the fairings?
  14. When I was looking at the gladius, the suzuki dealers seemed to be hurting pretty bad!
  15. so does mad river make all there own snow, or do they have to wait for some snow to be falling?
  16. well i know typicaly going -1 up front does not require a new chain.
  17. You should have sent them some crazy animal coshocton porn pics!
  18. atleast osumj isnt a man! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OP5EnaaYjQ
  19. it makes you stop and wonder... how many of those people really are serious?
  20. I have never been to mad river, I have heard its a blast!
  21. i was going too, that or a bobber but i cant find what I am after for the price i want to pay.
  22. im debating going for a run in the evenings after work. In the summer i go for a ride after work.
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