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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. im tempted to post that pic on a local dayton forum and see who he bought this thing from. But i dont want to stir any shit.
  2. My grandfather passed down to me an old marlin 88-22. It looks like this http://www.auctionarms.com/search/displayitem.cfm?itemnum=9373555 It appears to be missing the front sight. Does anyone know where i could maybe find one?
  3. thats exactly what we sketched up on the drawing board tonight!
  4. well , its a marlin 88-22 long rifle. I just brought it home today. Its rather old. It loads through the stock. I didn't transport any ammo with it, so I suppose there wasn't anything to worry about! I apperciate it guys
  5. looks good. Actually that thing looks like a lot of fun!
  6. i live near dayton, i just wonder who he purchased this thing from.
  7. We will get the tank off today!
  8. I am going to get my ccw, but I was just wondering what I needed to do in order to pick up my .22 rifle. I will be transporting the gun only. No ammunition.
  9. I have googled, and I can not find the info I need. I am going to pick up my new toys today. I wont have any ammunition in the vehical. Is there anything in particular I need to do to transport? Also, Once I do have some ammo and enroute to the range what do I need to do? I have a pickup truck.
  10. the wheel barrow was priceless! I normally dont laugh about people getting hurt but shit, that was hysterical. Cowboy boots on a wood plank!
  11. I have zero evidence. From personal experience from the women I know that have made themselves look like those in the video, they have not done so in a healthy manner. One girl I know used to starve herself. She would eat four or five crackers a day, and some water, and once in a while a banana. As for fat chicks, its not my style.I wont lie, I dated a few that were bigger, and they were lazy as shit and extremely insecure.I am the furthest thing from lazy and I do prefer them over 100 lbs.
  12. it appears they dont have many options for that bike on exhaust. Its so quite, I had my bike running, and I had to ask him if his was running!
  13. im pretty intrigued. What is normal cruising speed for a train? What about stopping distance. It seems like when they stop on the tracks around my house, you can hear the brakes trying to stop for what seems like forever. What kinds of things do you normally haul? and pretty random but are there train fuel stations between stops, or are the tanks big enough its not a worry?
  14. i couldn't get 2900 out of mine. i was bummed
  15. im down. I just have a .22 rifle at the moment. Let me know man.
  16. I have recently acquired a gun or two, and would like to take a gun safety course. I have shot a few different guns, but never owned any. I know and understand good common sense and using the safety, and not pointing the gun at anything you dont want to put a hole in, BUT i would like to take a class and maybe learn somthing I don't know. anyone have any suggestions?
  17. man, i don't even know where to start other than I hope this kid has a whole pocket full of money when things start going wrong.
  18. thats one beautiful sport touring machine.
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