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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. i almost bought at gto, when i bought my colorado. I kinda wish i woulda..
  2. i say your lucky for going to any of them! It would be a blast!
  3. sorry i didnt make it man. Next time im down.
  4. i like this guys thinking! bottles for product!
  5. sorry man, My dad filled my trailer, and my neighbor asked if I would do some tree trimming for him, and I would rather haul it all off in one shot than make multiple trips.
  6. neat! I thought it was next weekend! shoot!
  7. I hate to but I think im going to have to cancel. I somehow ended up with a trailer load of brush that needs hauled off, and an impromtu tree trimming that needs done.Sorry man. Maybe next weekend.
  8. we could meet in xenia or whatever is good for you!
  9. I am down for whatever, i just keep hearing 10/22 is good. I will check anything out.
  10. sorry about that, I got alil busy this evening. I was thinking 12-1ish. I have a few things to do early in the morning.
  11. If your drag racing, it might be neat. Somthing different than the typical busa. If your gona go ride some twistys, its an epic fail!
  12. exactly. I am riding as much as I can at this point. I just got the new bike, about two/three weeks ago, and I want to ride as much as i can. Ill ride down to the mid 40s. I rode to work the other day it was 39 when I left. =) Star, Lets see what kind of interest we get, and go from there on the meeting place.
  13. maybe 10-22 nky or somthing. I am not sure of a route yet. I figured I would see if there was any interest.
  14. I am off work tomorrow:). Is anyone interested in going for a ride?
  15. whos the engine builder? What caused the sudden loss of oil pressure?
  16. Fixed it! Ended up being the chain, running on a bolt that holds the rub gaurd to the swing arm. It was the bolt on top, near the rear sprocket. The chain was running right onit. I tightened the chain up a touch, and it was good to go I really apperciate all the help guys!
  17. ross, the pictures you show up in , never cease to amaze me..
  18. shoot! I think id be building a dog house right now, and that puppy would be outside for a few days. But then I would feel bad and give in, and never leave he/she out there for a night.
  19. bahahahha! I think its a great idea. So what if some dude gets into it. thats better than preteens and sheep
  20. so you just had the post about the job going good. What happend now man?
  21. inbred eh? ... shit ive got nothin to come back with:confused:
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