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Posts posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. humm what time u thinkin , how long you wanna ride and how you want to ride ?? judging from your sig id say your not down for a "spirited" ride :D ?

    Well my job relies on my licences, which relies on me not getting tickets, so I typically ride within the speed limit.:) as far as time I thought Id head out of troy around 8 am.

  2. im partially thinking its new owner paranora, I probably would have never noticed it, had the previous owner point it out and say it just started. The only other issue I can find is theres sometimes a smidge of oil around the shift shaft seal, but nothing ever on the ground. But the rattle does drive me nuts!

  3. I have an 02 sprint with 18k on it, and have noticed a rattle on the left side, but only when I am decelerating, eaither just letting off the throttle or downshifting up to a stoplight/sign. I have gone through all the fairing bolts checking for somthing loose. If it were my cbr, id say cam chain or valves. But I know nothing about these engines. Anyone have any ideas?

  4. Pulled this from another forum

    Warning Warning Warning

    Do not open this link if you are bothered by blood and injury pics.

    This Link contains some very graphic pictures and descriptions of a chain cleaning incident. Some of the pictures were taken by the victim as he waited for the medics and are graphic. His narrative is factual and to the point. He does not try to sugar coat the incident or justify his actions.


    The link was sent to me by another forum member last night. Several of us decided to overlook the shock aspects of the pics in favor of sharing it as a learning experience for the forum members.

    I know the majority of us would not consider doing this, but it has been mentioned at least once. Plus, we are all susceptible to do stupid and dangerous things for no reason at all. I know I have. I just have not had to pay as severe a price as this guy did.

    As you read it, take note of the tenor of some of the posts in that forum. A few of them could make you appreciate this forum.

  5. It's best to have the rear end loaded on any bike. Your swingarm pivots on a fixed point. The tightest spot being with the sprockets and swingarm pivot point all aligned with each other. If the bike is on the center stand and the rear end unloaded the chain adjustment will likely be too tight once you finish and drop the bike off the centerstand and sit on it.

    I like to unload the rear tire, find the tightest point in the chain then drop my bike to the kickstand and do my adjustment.

    Brandt, sorry about not calling you last night. My mother got sick and I was with her for a large part of the afternoon after I got home. It was also raining so I didn't really think you'd wanna bring that bike over.

    No problem man! :) things come up! The triumph service manual says put it on the center stand and have 40mm of slack. On the stand i have about 1.5 inchs of vertical slack which is right in the area of what the manual says. 1.4-1.6. or 36-40mm. How do you go about measuring? I use a tape and go off the bottem of the chain.

  6. I am still feeling my way around the new bike, but I would be interested in a mellow ride, I plan on getting out and riding a good portion of the day. if anyone is interested lemme know! I don't really have a route planned. Just thought about doing some exploring or am down for a route if you have one your interested in!:)

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