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Posts posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. Hell yes, every bike i ever owned and this one is number 13. Mostly miss the dirt bikes but every bike gave me pure relief from day to day stress. Oh, it does not get easier either.

    this is one of the biggest reasons i ride. To get away and to clear my mind.

  2. I have had mine for about two years. The written portion was easy, The driving part wasn't bad. Pay attention to your signs, expessialy bridge weights and over head clearences as they asked me what signs said as I was driving. The hard part for me was the pre trip inspection. You have to use the terminology "cracked or broken" all bolts are there, nothing visiable leaking. I did not pass the pre trip the first time due to not using the terminology they wanted. Other than that it wasn't bad at all

  3. When i was about 12 years old, My uncle had an 86 interceptor 750. dual kerker pipes.He had me into quads, but when he trade off his quad he raced, it was an 86 250x bored and stroked to a 308. It had so much compression that I couldn't kick it over when I was younger. Anyway,He got the interceptor, and took me for a ride one day. I was hooked. After that I wanted a bike. I got into cars for alittle while and decided to trade off my project for a bike. I found my f3, traded my bike off for it and the rest is history!

  4. i'd guess financing. Personally, i can't stand the idea of financing a bike, but some people insist that the factory warranty and knowledge that no one else 'abused' the bike is worth it.

    I plan on buying out right, or having a huge down payment. I don't like the idea of having a bike financed either. Hell i dont even like having a car payment. The whole thing of buying new was when I was on the gladius kick. I couldn't find a used one. So brand new came into play. As far as the vfr's go I have heard the gear driven cammed vfr is a better bike overall than the newer ones. I have no experience to back this up just hear say.

  5. Most on here tend to be "fair weather" riders. Won't ride in the rain, won't ride if it's cold, won't ride if the weather man sneezes.

    While I lived in PA and OH, I rode all year round. If the roads were clear I was riding. Last New Year's day I did a New Year's ride w/MotOhio. It was 12° when we started, and 3hrs and 70 miles later, it warmed up to 23°. Yeah salt sux and washing your bike in the cold sux more, but it sure is fun.

    i need more friends like this guy!

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