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Posts posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. I want to die of old age in my sleep. I also want to experience as much as I can though before I do, which is a risk, but odds are in my favor. I just hope I don't fall below those odds. :)

    amen brother. I want to see everything I can see. I want to be able to tell stories of, I rode my bike to mount Rushmore , and here and there. If we stayed inside all the time because we were afraid, what would we be? A bunch of pale weirdos that have permanent TV remotes in our hands. Forget all that. I want ride. I want see the world. If something happens en route to go see the world, then so be it. At least I wasn't watching tv... waiting for death. :)

  2. I found an used fz1 the other day with 7k on the clock. I belive they were asking 7800 for it. I am just going back and forth with myself. I love the styling of the gladius, I dont love the 66 hp. I love the 599, but yet again. its 2009, and I cant justify buying a carbed bike.

  3. I've been cruising the ODOT statistics website for a while now. There's some interesting information there.

    Especially when you consider that it is OHIO information, and very accurate.

    Statistics can be misleading, especially when comparing apples to oranges.

    But information about motorcycles is there, and can be considered.

    Motorcycle stats in general:

    Crash when drunk = twice as likely to die.

    No helmet = 2 to 3 times as likely to die.

    Odds of dying in a motorcycle crash, one in ten.

    About 90% of crashes are evenly split between a car turning into path, and just running off the road in a turn.

    Injury types vary.

    And oddly, having medical insurance = 90% less likely to die in a crash. I'm not sure what that is about, but apparently people with medical insurance don't die in crashes.

    So as crazy as it sounds, if you crash a motorcycle when sober, wearing a helmet, and have medical insurance, your odds of dying might just be as low as one in 600. I'd say that is probably better than in a car. (And probably safer and less likely to happen, than falling in the kitchen or shower and cracking your head. A well known high fatality risk.) But statistics lie, and you'd need to apply similar rules to crashing the car. And I'm sure that would improve the odds for that also.

    edit: Oh yeah, one more thing... something we all know and often forget about. There are stats showing a higher percentage of crashes for beginners. Basically those in the first or second year of motorcycle riding. And in particular, it is not at first, but after some confidence has been gained. Those type of statistics are harder to work with, but does point out the risks for beginners is higher. And my opinion, is that simply getting a new motorcycle, or borrowing one, puts a rider into this risk category. Even for an experienced rider.

    I agree with everyone here. Motorcycles are more popular than ever. Therefore more people are riding. I personally belive that the msf course should be mandatory. I see to many guys going out, buying 20k harleys, and saying, I rode dirt bikes when I was younger. In all reality all these folks know how to do is go through the gears. When that car turns in front of them, they have no clue what to do.

  4. if they dont they just really need to offer a naked upright f4i. I want a brand new bike. I cant justify buying a brand new bike thats carbed. And I really cant justify buying a brand new bike and stripping the body work and clippons and building a street fighter style bike.

  5. So I have recently been checking out the naked bike market, and it came to me, why doesnt honda come out with a naked f4i. They have the 599, which is nothing more than a naked detuned f3. If they came out with a standard version of the f4i, I would be all over it, instead of the gladius. Common honda. I have always been a die hard honda fan. -end rant-

  6. dustin, the asking price is 2000. Heres my ad. Actually its on there twice. I need to update the description, as the chain has about 1500 miles on it now.and It has an m3 on the front and an m1 on the rear. I bought the bridgestone bt014s that where for sale on here new, and they will be going with the bike also. Same description. Different pics.



  7. I live in troy as most of you know, and I run a lawn care service. Theres a guy near one of the houses I take care of that rides a super nice 675. Well today on my way to mow, I noticed that 675 wasn't so nice anymore. It looked like the upper fairings had taken a beating! If your on here, I hope your alright and get it back in shape soon!

  8. So, I am having one heck of a time trying to sell this bike. I have gone as far to drop the price 1000 bucks and toss in a brand new set of tires. Where else can I post my bike for sale other than cycle trader. Has anyone ever put a bike on ebay? How does that work with the fees and everything?

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