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Everything posted by oldschoolsdime92

  1. If the mutt says its a word, then its a word! Looks good man! Looking forward to the updates.
  2. I'm with recon, its not going to be a jet issue.
  3. Thanks man! I've only put about 100 miles on it so far,but I'm very happy with it.
  4. I'm going to start a second thread, with better pics.
  5. 2010 ridgeline, 55k on the clock. I need to detail the exterior, apparently dealer's detail guys are just wash boys these days.
  6. sounds like to me,if thats why you ride motorcycles... your riding for all the wrong reasons! If a women is really into motorcycles, shes going to have her own bike. If she claims to be into motorcycles, and doesn't own a bike. Its a scam, Run far far away. At the first sign of a good relationship in her eyes, shes going to want you to sell it.
  7. I pick up the new ride today... Pics and details to come !
  8. Anyone have a size 40 leathers they want to sell? One or two piece?
  9. I rode 28 well over 200 miles last time, and its the best ride ive ever had in my life. Just pull out of fontana, make a right hand turn, heading away from the dragon, and enjoy. Theres an incredible little gas station somewhere in south carolina where we met up with some dudes riding late 50s BMW's. I heard banjos playing in the distance, but man was it cool.
  10. Last year was my first trip down. I have logged alot of miles since I started riding, back in 2008. These roads arn't like ohio. They are alot more fun, but things can get rowdy quick. heres my advice for you, in no particular order. Ride your own pace. Ride, ride, ride. Be as comfortable on your bike as you can be. Gear, Gear,Gear. IMO leathers are a must. Even if they are cheap dirty second hand leathers, they are still leathers. Have you taken the MSF course? If not, take it before you go. cherry cola would be a great ride for a first timer. Put good tires on your bike. What I really love about these mountain roads, is the fact that even if the speed limit is 45, they are a riot. I typically ride the speed limit and this is the only place I have found I can really enjoy myself and still be within the speed limit.
  11. I agree, I don't mind well done when cooked properly, but restaurants turn them into charcoal.
  12. Not bbq pursay, but if you've never had cast iron seared steaks, I highly suggest it... It's not as rare as the pics appear
  13. I'm really leaning toward a ridgeline, I've driven two so far. Anyone have any experience with them?
  14. beautiful smoke ring! looks like that cook was a great success!
  15. awesome! Those look great! bad-could you send me that recipe? that sounds awesome.
  16. I read somthing about drilling holes to allow the ash to fall through so it doesn't snuff out your fire...
  17. I like to pull my pork loin about 150-155. Pork loins very lean. It drys out easily, but is OH so delish when done right! Gix, that looks excellent!
  18. While I was googling about reliability I didn't get much but one fellow on a forum saying " if you have problems with your h6, you mize well put your head in a microwave, because its going to be complicated to fix"
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