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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Proper critical thinking and triage training will show you how to in that situation using a stable object such as the downed bike and pressure points to stop or slow the bleeding as well as unconventional methods such as the hot exhaust to cauterize the wound. Learn to be self reliant it's priceless the training is out there
  2. I've yet to meet one that doesn't regret being there. The ones wishing for that have no clue what they are asking for. The ones who have hope to never see it again.
  3. Better yet, get training and be self reliant. Stop your own bleeding.
  4. Any of you saying you want someone there ever actually watched someone die? Other than peacefully on pain meds from old age? I have more times than I care to even try to count. Want me to describe it for you? Better yet I work M,W,F this week chances are I'll add 3 more to my count, you want me to try for video? Quit being over sensitive selfish clueless pansies until you know exactly what you are asking for. It's not pleasant or in any way a closure giving experience and my dying wish is that none of my friends or family are there to see it much less try to hold my hand and be haunted by it for the rest of their lives
  5. So the last memory your loved one has of you is watching you die? That is completely selfish. I've yet to have one single family member act happy or grateful they watched a loved one die. Usually it's the nightmares that lead to sleepless nights, depression, poor job performance, and sometimes suicide. Keep being selfish people. Job security for me.
  6. I embrace, enable, and sometimes when I'm in a good mood even impede death every other night from 1900-0700. Everyone dies alone and your sympathetic ass there holding their hand and lying to them telling them it's ok just hold on help is on the way doesn't make them feel one bit better. It only helps your weak conscience. Step away from the tv son. I've seen more people die than a doped up kid playing call of duty all weekend will ever see. You are jaded by Dr.Phil reruns
  7. You has pm for the Bionic. I'll be right by your work today and Thurs and all around Cbus the other days
  8. Tried to PM you my number to meet up for the Bionic but says you can't get new messages.
  9. Dear god, I'd have room for 2 in that suit. Just dibs on the Bionic then lol
  10. and dibs on the Bionc, can pick up any day this week i think I could use another suit too but I think those are too big, Ive never tried Astar suits though do they run small?
  11. we'll itleast u cin spel moar gooder then u kin ride kevpoo
  12. 60's on Weds, why not ride it home?
  13. I'm not gonna do much when I get there but eat a sammich while looking at his bike and waiting for the coroner.
  14. Dead is dead, not much you can do to help dead other than update is FB status for him. Don't need to stay at the scene to do that
  15. You can go to the track website too. Truck pool? Mgkt.com I think it is
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