Just want to throw this out there and be clear about it. The FB page for Deals Gap 2014 is not this trip! wrong dates wrong location and not this. So guys posting there and here adjust accordingly but that is NOT the OR TRIP. Even though it seems to have only invited OR people. Great way to confuse people and fuck shit up. The OR TRIP is here and planning for it is HERE. Carry On
Ive raced both lawnmowers and powerwheels, barbie jeeps to be exact and both were a blast. You prob should pass, youre missing the whole point of going by focusing on the money so you likely wouldnt have the fun the rest of us will.
Find it cheaper of this caliber, I challenge you. This isn't magic mountian action. And it's bragging rights on OR. Don't be scared to throw down like a boss, you afraid of being lapped by a midget?
We transported one from a street fight with the wrong guy (read big ass mother fucker) that died of cardiac arrest. BAMF hit drunk half pint douche so hard in the chest that his heart stopped. Defibrillation by fist.
When the visor goes down MidgetTodd turns into MidgetJohnnyRockPage and I stuff and park corners like a cheap crack whore. Be careful what you try for What I lack in speed I make up for in treachery