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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Fireman343 and Blue, something or other are too.
  2. Dani is too but she doesn't post much anymore. That is just a entry level course, it will not certify you as an EMT. FYI.
  3. ? Is this news? Do you have a point? This is common and expected. Been going on for 20 years.
  4. I have two custom ones here I designed. Drawers and storage. Come look and get some ideas. Basic tools easy to do.
  5. Build one. That way you get exactly what you want to exactly fit your needs. I've done several, two at my house right now. Come out and look.
  6. $50 Never worn. I'll be in Columbus and Probably Circleville this week. If no I have a few friends that will be at CRP and can send with them
  7. MidgetTodd


    Dale was supposed to send it the night you gave me the info. He will be at the shop all day tomorrow call and ask what's up. Also I think your other can came in too.
  8. MidgetTodd


    Ok with old iOS I double click the home button and open apps show and I can close them. Now that process shows everything open on the phone and no way to close them. How do I close apps now?
  9. MidgetTodd


    Do you not agree that the color schemes and icons and overall layout look somewhat juvenile now instead of the professional look it used to have?
  10. MidgetTodd


    The icons and color scheme look like a 3rd grade girl did them. Dont like The texting layout looks childish. Dont like The control panel pops up way too often when Im scrolling down. Dont like The new email layout for trash, spam, inbox ect looks generic. Dont like The Safari browser keeps the tool bar on bottom and top now, cant click it away. Dont like Could keep going but whats the use. I will be going back to Driod when Im due for an upgrade, maybe even trade someone phones to do it sooner. I have not liked the Iphone since I switched, now I like it even less. Seriously, it seems like an 3rd grade girl did most of the layout
  11. MidgetTodd


    I may. We'll see, I went out last Saturday for a bit solo as it was not a friendly ride. I got some frustration out so may be group friendly this time.
  12. maybe 10 in morn. If so PM me a number and price and Ill call in morn
  13. Price on one and are you in Columbus and availible in the morn?
  14. Preferably a Original Mattress Factory model, Classic Luxury Firm. But others will do. But needs to be a Twin. Need mattress only, no box spring. For reasonably cheap and can pick up around 930 tomorrow morning? Sunday the 15th
  15. Bump. Going to have to surrender him to a rescue or a shelter next week if no one is interested.
  16. Speedy Ill make it a package deal for $1000. An AK47, 6 mags, case, manuals and the 900 rounds ammo and ill meet you half way.
  17. And shipping on that will make the prices very close
  18. Then make an offer. That's what I paid for it. It was hard to come by when I got it.
  19. He's Pitt/Lab mix. Not doubt when you see him. He's lean and solid muscle because I feed him good food in the right portions and he runs and plays tug constantly. He's 50 pounds
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