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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. I give you a B+ for effort, an A if you are not an Obama supporter and an A+ if you at some point attend one of our gatherings with proof of your claimed rank. We've had a lot of frauds and liars here, one that makes claims like yours are the worst kind to find have been made up. We may be a bike forum but unlike other forums we are quit tight knit and have a strong resect for our military and our guns.
  2. Oh snap, here we go again. Hopefully this goes better than your last goatfucking
  3. With the quality and experience and fetish level of the women we bring, I'm really doubting you can bring a youngin that will even make a blip on our radar son.
  4. I've found that old news learn new trick and are usually worth a rerun
  5. The salt and crap on the road as well as fresh potholes and run off from melting snow. Naw I'll pass
  6. In the group at the gap, yes kids. Trust me, we have ways
  7. It's simply adorable that you two think you won't be Roofied and posed for completely absurd embarrassing Picts that will haunt you for a lifetime
  8. All due respect and shit, I know of those times. I come from a military family. I pick my battles based on entertainment value, douchebag level, boredom level and effort required. This met all requirements, especially the douchebag level one
  9. I'm a General in the Midget Militia. Represent and gimmie my 10% Ain't nobody got time for that
  10. Why you two no tell me of this? I'll check it out round noon tomorrow
  11. Hum I might check it out tomorrow
  12. I hope sarcasm. Or maybe you've not read all the other cry baby crap
  13. Truth. I do still know a handful of respectable ones though
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