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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Because you didnt start a thread like this or send me a message telling me a specific gun you wanted so therefor I cant send you a pic of it when i get it. Duh
  2. texting you some eye candy now, you better hury and get here or it will be gone
  3. I know that any safe is better than no safe. If the 799 tag is correct, you can get a Liberty Fatboy JR from Lowes for that
  4. Not gonna lie, I'd love to do that........but I'd probably have to be pushed out because I'd be scared shitless
  5. Why so secretive. Do as you wish, just seems odd as everyone else gives a heads up when they find some. I don't care I got enough before this all started so I don't really "need" any and just pick up boxes at Walmart if I happen to see them while I'm shopping. However if I found a good supply somewhere I would gladly tell my peeps instead of try to hide it.
  6. Traffic will be unavoidable, hotels in the Daytona area are already at capacity.
  7. Then why you no tell if you're stocked up, seems a lil selfish when you have plenty not to tell others where they may be able to pick up your scraps
  8. I think the proper usage is; Yeah? What the fuck is your fucking point you fucking fuck? With all due respect and shit
  9. My penis is not small, it's tactical. You see smaller targets are harder to hit so therefor my penis has the tactical advantage on you biggers. It will not get the crabs, clap, aids, herp ect near as easy because it has less susceptible surface area. And let's face it, I'm a midget, so what you call small.....well hangs to my knees and every man and woman alive wants a penis that hangs to the knees so I win again.
  10. He doesn't stay there with us. He stays a town over in a low budget motel because he's black
  11. Just send him a condolences card and tell him you'll make his next wedding
  12. Don't hate because I can motocross on Q2's. Switching to dirt tires, ain't nobody got time for that
  13. MidgetTodd

    Epic Quotes.

    When a Leader speaks, that leader lies. Living Color.
  14. all the envelopes were creatively addressed, you people should know better than to have me send stuff
  15. The Madkitty kinda covered that but Magz here is a quote from Kyle during one of his last interviews. "what keeps me up at night is not the people that I've killed. It was the people I wasn't able to save" He save many more lives than he took Magz, war is ugly and the ones he killed were their on their own accord to do harm to others. Chris was there to protect, he was very proficient at that.
  16. Nope, I didn't cast the stones and we all know imma hooligan. Jealousy will only get you made fun of. My turf skillz are simply bad ass
  17. You should read up a bit. Chris is so much more than just a sniper Magz. The lives he as touched, the differences he's made. He will be missed. Look into FITCO that is Chris and one of so many things he has done
  18. When I make it look like art it is cool. And next time tape your brake light up so I don't see it at the same time I see the road to the left
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