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Posts posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Did you only get the other parties side? 
    Asking because there’s always 3 sides to every story. His side, their side & the truth. 
    I know nothing about this story for the record. Just throwing the 3 sides out. But I know racers and how it’s always everyone else’s fault, me included lol.  I’ve known Ryan for a lot of years and have watched him go above and beyond day in a day out to make everyone happy so I find it a little hard to believe that he knowingly or intentionally fucked anyone over. 

  2. On 8/3/2020 at 3:18 PM, TimTheAzn said:

    Well looks like my form 4 got to OR before my sheriff notification got to downtown Cleveland :dunno:.

    How bad is that gonna f me in this process.... yes I mailed them the same day.

    It won’t 

  3. 5 hours ago, TimTheAzn said:

    Supposedly this helps with gas blowback.

    Freaking things need to open up so I can get finger printed and send my shit in...

    What do you need to open up? Police departments and jails never close. They all print

  4. On 4/23/2020 at 6:49 PM, snot said:

    No where else can you meet a tequila drinking, spegetti eating, jello bathing, sex addicted ...  gun dealing, mini racing, track whoring.... Helpful midget....


    I miss going to the epic/dream rides.

    There’s some in Amsterdam and prison 

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