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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. this link should take to one of him on a slow pass http://img.tapatalk.com/ad76ba3d-39e5-3670.jpg
  2. No that's no him. He was dragging fucking elbow going thru the gap. No lie
  3. Naw every night is a party. The OR group always plans events to party at. We just happen to find time to ride in-between. You'll catch on
  4. I think the fuck ditch quote was Jagr.
  5. Not sure how that is? Road condition was fine. The cop has sat there everytime I've been there but he doesn't bother anybody. Only traffic was some slower groups of bikes that we always found a way to pass. The few of us that go to really just ride the gap do it because that is the ride we like, fast tight corners. We have the same type roads here in Coshocton as the roads surrounding the gap but we don't have a road like the gap so no real point in us driving 8 hours to ride roads like what we have here Come with us on a Coshocton ride sometime and you'll understand. Wasn't digging the slower paced group rides that's why we did our "spirited" rides with the 3 and 4 of us. You really need to come out here and go with us once and you'll understand why we just go for the gap
  6. Rain was Sunday when we were loaded and driving home
  7. I will be making that tonight and adding busted up tortilla chips then wrapping it in a burrito with taco bell sauce packets
  8. I work Wednesday, I'm sure I can get an answer.
  9. There is going to be hell to pay for you squids not telling me of this dish or bringing me back a bowl.
  10. Two other things I learned... This new guy "Turnone" well his name is fitting because turn one is likely the last time you will have sight of him till the stop. Damn. And two, I seem to be the only one who stayed off the web and took a vacation, you bubbies is hooked to them phones.
  11. No. Unclepunk and Turnone wore us out on our "spirited" ride Sat. We were exhausted when we got back.
  12. In a related story.. some vandal must have took a blowtorch to my tires because they have some weird blistering and discoloration going on, someone also must have gone thru my bags because some clothes are missing, the food down there must not be cooked right because I had a headache and nausea Sat and Sun morn and there are pics and videos showing up up with a guy that looks alot like me with random girls dancing on him... my dad is gonna have some explaining to do because I seem to have a twin down there.
  13. I wish I could provide an epic story but I rode with the slow group, didn't drink a drop of alcohol and stayed fully clothed at the fire pit and didn't even bring any women or midget strippers.
  14. Seems like a cool place, Ill have to head down there some day
  15. Well. Truck, Bike and Trailer finally ready at midnight. Now to get sleep and packing and Walmarting done by 530.
  16. Hardly, everybody has IP stickers dude. I prolly have 20 or more laying around in the garage alone.
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