I'm not sure what claim you're talking about but whatever dude. Ive been at Brains dads pond shoot when you were there and pretty sure I brought an AK then too. My penis is above average size so I don't need to spend thousands on an AR to prove anything. I really could care less what you think or want to see. You and Brain can carry on with whatever butt hurt thing you got going I don't care. There are many on here that have been out to my place and shot one of the AK's as well that can say it hits the mark too. Carry on I'm bored with your pettiness. Truth be known, and was witnessed by others too, I took like 2 shots "I think" and the 200 yd clays and hit it, thats when Brian packed up. I assume because he didnt want to see anymore. I dont care though. Like I said nothing to prove and dont really care what you think. Done with ya