A good friend is coming home in June with a present for us all, mags many new some lighty used all great $5 each as many as you want. Here is a copy of what he sent me ... "I have the general issue 30 round, M4 metal mags, in route to Columbus. They have cleared customs. I shipped them this morning. I will have them available for pick up in the beginning of June. They are being sold as used, however many were only taken out of the plastic. Most have been fired, but are for the most part they are clean. I have inspected every one of them to insure no excessive wear, damage, or anything that I thought I would not shoot. They are all either tan or green top. I discarded about 50 black tops while sorting these. The price is $5 EA. No money will be exchanged until in person and pick up. No paypal or shipping. No need for dibs. Reason I'm posting this now is for people who may be planning on buying in the near furure. The link below is an example:" http://www.flickr.com/photos/peosoldier/3880644292/ .......If you are interested let me know by posting here how many you want or PM or text if you have my number. I will keep track and put them on hold for you. I will post up if it gets close to running out and stop the list. As it says no shipping, face to face cash only begining of June. He or I will meet to deliver to you. Honor system here, if you say you want please honor the comitment you asked to be held for you.