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Everything posted by MidgetTodd

  1. There is good ammo out there for 22's and a 22 will do a ton of internal damage.
  2. Well come thru Cbus in the way to Sturgis
  3. You should keep it I love mine its cheap to shoot pretty damn accurate too. Most of the time in summer clothes its the gun I carry as well.
  4. You gonna go to the Tony Paco thing in Toledo?
  5. Happy Birthday BabyMomma Carie. Ben better take you out for some fries
  6. If I had a dollar for everytime a girl said that to me
  7. Why he be hatin on my WonderTwin...this not gonna end well
  8. There is nothing historical about that bike and he will be laughed at by everyone he passes with those plates on.......not that it will pass many cars or bikes
  9. Its not a bike meet its a people meet this is not like a bike night many drive and I almost always drive and almost always bring my daughter. You are coming to meet the others here that you only know online so drive and bring your kid as many others will be doing. Its good food and good times...besides there are no good twisties between you and Cbus anyway so don't try that as an excuse
  10. I'll just come shoot the damn things for you.
  11. I stole two bottles of the Watermellon wine That was the shiznit and I dont even like wine.
  12. This will likely be a very special and rare event so you all really should make it out.
  13. Only reason I would go is if its you there with the Dyno and that would just be to shoot the shit with ya. Not a Hinderer Honda fan.
  14. Im not, I'll prolly end up getting it new from the store. Was just hopin someone already had it and wanted to part with it.
  15. Those all cost more than new and the cheaper on is only a twin. She wants the metal one not wood sorry.
  16. Because she likes the metal ones and that X framed one in particular. Even though I seem like a evil Ethug I try to make my daughter very happy and that bed is what she picked for her new room.
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