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Posts posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Hopefully the cute girl who's a vet in training on the Duc from Arizona will show up here sometime. If I wasn't so horrible at names:rolleyes:. She really wanted to find some people to ride with. I told her she could surely have fifteen guys volunteering to escort her anywhere she wanted and one to drive the chase van in case of an unexpected break down.:D I didn't offer to take her out myself for three reasons:

    1. Her bike much faster than mine.:o

    2. I've been compared to shrek to many times. :lol:

    3. I have a GF who'd surely kill me (or make me wish I was dead) for going riding alone with any girl that isn't her. :tongue:

    On the plus side it looks like we'll be picking up Christy's DR200 Saturday so we can go play in the mud together.:dirtbike:

    1) that alone should have you bike shopping tommarrow

    2) some girls are into that , throw down some p/u lines

    3) dont tell her, duh

    she's gonna let you play in the mud ?? remember no atm :eek:

  2. YES , you changed the avitar awsome .... unfortunatly everyone that hasnt met you wont get it but oh well if you wana wait till a lil after 4 I prolly can but thats the earliest

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