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Posts posted by MidgetTodd

  1. So is it me you are trying to call out?

    I cant speak for ross but I didnt have you top of mind when I posted mine ... And Ive not mean mugged you I even talked to you and your girl 2 thurs ago Im not "calling" anyone out , when I do that I will name names Im not shy

    but to clear it up so no one gets offended or thinks I was making threats I said talk to me in person because it does not need to become another coshocton bashing thread to scare people away from riding with us . do we ride fast , somtimes do we take risks , somtimes but do we help new riders and keep an eye on them and better them ? everytime ! We always offer to help a new rider learn , adjust the pace accordingly and take time to stop and talk ,tell em what theyre doing wrong and help them correct it so it didnt need to become another stay away from us thread thats all I ment

    Mr A will attest to the help we give he graduated top of class saturday , sorry 2 went down but we did everything we could to prevent it pace was fairly slow and ross and I had a 15 minute talk with everyone before we even hit the road .

  2. theyre good and go forever .... only problem is when theyre wheelied for long stretches without over filling the oil the number 3 rod starts making funny noises and you have to put straight 50weight oil in it and trade it in fast .......... so ive been told

  3. Im never to far from somthing . Ive got a holster for the glock for those special places in the city that I have to go from time to time and the back pack I got for the bike has a pefect side pocket as well

  4. :lol: just remember if your looking at me the signals are backwards! ;)

    I wasnt looking .... didnt want to be the 3rd bike down :rolleyes:

    :lol: I wanna see these pics u found of our friend with the busa when she was younger! ;)

    I found some better busa hottie pics and posted em in her thread you otta go look I think you might know her :D

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