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Posts posted by MidgetTodd

  1. atleast i don't have some no name 200 for a bike regardless of gas milealge mine doesn't sound like a lawn mower is about to die and my pickup doesn't have a whole in the floorboard and none of my cars have over 75,000 on them

    not to take sides "not that Id have to as it seems youve hurt your side more than anyone else has" BUT ...... its not the bike its the rider "unless your just out to be a poser" and I would gladly race you thru the twisties of your choice on his 200 and you on your 636 and throw down $100 that Id beat you and Im sure several other members here would also take that bet , dont take me wrong Im not slamming you or braggin on my ability just makin a point dont matter what you ride just as long as you ride

  2. Im not reading all 26 pages of this thread "im lazy and not real interested" so sorry if its already been said but ...... I want to see this settled old school at the meet and greet ufc style we can rope off an area take bets place odds the whole deal winner gets bragging rights and a % of the bets that would be cool and could become a regular event ....... then could be followed up by pudding wrestling by some of the female members and the winner of the pudding match takes me on :) I prolly wont put up much resistance either :D

  3. So if we wake up tomorrow and the weather is nasty most of the day, is it still on or will it be rescheduled?

    weather wont be nasty but no we dont reschedule sombody if not all will be there we always do it the 2nd saturday of every month as some people that ride with us do not have email and such so everybody just knows to be there at 9 every 2nd saturday

  4. Alright peeps, anyone passing through Nerk can meet me @ Speedway on Cherry Valley Rd/Rt16 at 6:30pm. No other times were volunteered, hope this works out.

    I"ll be there again

    me and dubya will be coming through about then hopefully we can catch ya if not we will see ya there.

    no excuses be there or better yet meet up with me at 586 at 6:10 !

    I don't like you right now!

    you can like me instead and make him jealous:D

  5. So bare essentials for survival

    Food - check

    water - check

    housing - check

    education - check

    medical care - check

    utilities - check

    Cell phone - check

    did I miss anything?

    I like to have plenty of firepower on hand as well

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