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Posts posted by MidgetTodd

  1. Yep, still ashamed to be a Busa owner because of her. I may just have to sell it:nono:

    you shouldve been ashamed a long time ago she's just the icing on top :D

    sooryy had to .... and i still want one of those silf shirts !

    OK, so is she in fact as gorgeous and flawless as she says she is? Or is she just... fast. On her bike, I mean.;)

    um being a profesional judge of the female body and conisour of fine women for many years Im gonna have to say No after carefull examination of her pictures there are sooo many finer ones on this site , saw 5 or 6 last night alone , not namin names they know who they are and countless more last sunday , she shouldve done more research before throwin that shit toward the fan

    that is all :)

  2. So here's the list so far



    Kawi Kid

    Mr. Anderson





    Ricky Bobby











    Evil twin




    That's just a rough gathering reading this thread. So feel chime in and confirm or chime in and so I can take your name off of the list.

    I fixed it

  3. what criteria? That I don't suck dick for $$$.....ya, ur right I wouldn't work out there

    so ..... free then ?

    I wonder where this thread is going?

    I dunno but its a fun ride

    so blah blah blah.....helluva welcome...........I'm a nice person, thought I could meet some new riders to chill with, but I guess I'm a whore because I bartend ''''''so '''''thanks everyone for making my first day here so special......

    your welcome :)

  4. just asked for the day off. we'll see what they say.

    you fail poseing as a beginner I know better :D

    We gots some good draw out to our boondock roads I dunno what happened thought when I posted this up for a beginner day Id have the 2 that asked for it and maybe 1 or 2 others , who knew itd blow up like this:dunno: it feels kinda good like the rope in gym class

  5. Well if it's REALLY gonna be that damn hard to get in or NEAR the place i'll say fuck it. I'd love to go but the way you're all making it sound. I won't have fun at all.

    its still fun

  6. I know a guardrail that needs killin'.

    For all the new group/twistie riders, I HIGHLY suggest driving yourself out in a cage to 79 and going up and down it at least once to familiarize yourself with the turns. There are TONS of blind decreasing radius curves.

    Even if I have to come back alone, NO ONE IS GETTING LEFT. If you need a breather after peeing your pants on a curve, go ahead and take it. I think meeting at a central place like IP with easy access to 161 is great beforehand, it will be a good spot to exchange cell phone numbers.

    Im keepin a safe pace for em this time cheechie you need to come too

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